BT Sport or BT Bias?

Michael Owen is a poor TV pundit being boring, laboured and frankly shite.

They need to get someone better like Carragher or Neville.

In fact, BT Sport is shite with non entities meant to entertain us?

I don't think so.
Best thing that happened all night was when they switched off that twat Jake's microphone.

Next time that idiot is in BT Square, he will get a bloody mouthful.

And as for the c*nt Ian Darke, who was commentating, he is a complete knob.

I used to remember him covering Lennox Lewis boxing matches in the late 90's. He would always try to look for a reason why Lennox's opponent, who was usually having to be revived with sniffing salts, should have won!

Complete Misery Arse.
So glad I dont pay for bt sport...just stream it online..
Fuck Owen
Fuck Darke
Next time they are in city square..mcmanaman and the jake humphrey someone should ask them why they are cunts.
Ginola-A good pundit
jimharri said:
I presume all those who are (justifiably, by the sound of it) pissed off with BT's coverage tonight will cancel their subscription and switch their phone/broadband supplier now.

My 'ahem' friend watched one of those illegal streams and he said he is glad that he didn't pay to watch them bias BT ***** just thought I would pass that message on.
He was a disgrace. How he can chuckle over Adebayor's attempt to maim Demichelis given all the knee injuries he suffered as a player. Little turncoat money grabbing horse fucking slave driving gambling monotone moronic ****.
Game ends ..."Spurs were cheated" says our media partner frontman big Jake - meanwhile Little Mickey and Pompey Mourner Darke bleating about the injustice of it all for 90 minutes as Spurs tried to kick us off the pitch

dearie dearie me, I think I'll go into Pigeonho denial.

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