That is why i think going for sick snd disabled is a cunts trick , what employer is going to take on people who get anxiety so bad that they cannot even work from home when they have a load more applicants who are healthy and can get into the office to choose from . What about people with pain conditions, just hold on a minute , i need to take pain killers as i am in pain
When my anxiety is bad i have to lie in bed with the sheet over my head , i once couldnt move a muscle for nearly a whole day , how do you do zoom calls , answer phones etc on days like that . Low hanging fruit , taking benefits away is their only tool, the have said it will save three billion, how would you know that before they have even assessed everyone
The DWP have taken your gp and other drs out of equation, the drs that know you cant give their opinion and support anymore . The last face to face assessment was at home as usual and i always ask who they are , ex paramedic with four weeks training . I had to bare myself to her and what she wrote down decides the number of points . That is not acceptable
There will be some who really want to go back to work and can put foward a convincing reason why the company should take them on but why would they take a chance on them. The jobs are just not there for the majority of us
To end my rant i will say nobody dont buy into the narrative that benefits is a lifestyle choice , more than working and easy to get, people can have hidden disabilites so if you think your neighbour is a benefits cheat they maybe are not
I need a lie down