That's the issue I have. As a society we can't let children suffer so we have to support them when their parents simply can't afford to do so themselves. However that doesn't mean the actions of the parents in having the children in the first place aren't selfish and ill advised. Having kids you can't afford simply because you know society is going to bail you out and assist in supporting them isn't really an acceptable decision for anyone to make. People have the right to have as many kids as they want, it's their own free will, I wouldn't want to prevent that. However what they DON'T (or rather shouldn't) have the right to do is to force other people to work hard, and pay their taxes, to support the many, many kids they decide to have because they want them. People take advantage of the fact they live in a western society, a relatively caring society, where we try not to leave anyone behind (whilst realising we do, sometimes, fail). I'll tell you something, if there was literally no support for parents from the government, no hand outs or subsidies, you'd be amazed how many of these kids people "just had to have" were never actually created in the first place. People have the ability to control themselves when it comes to procreation, they just chose not to when they live in a society with our moral position.