Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter what you call it - illiberalism, fascism, authoritarianism - the common ground they all have is an extreme intolerance for other people's views.
Do you think if you've just been beaten up by a mob outside a restaurant because you've not raised your fist in support of their cause that you'll be splitting hairs over whether they were authoritarian or illiberal or whether Stalin was on the left or not?
The bottom line is that these are dangerous people with dangerous views and want to create a dangerous society.
The one thing we should have learnt from history is not to underestimate or mistake people like that just because they call themselves 'anti-fascists' or 'socialists' or 'republicans' or any other kind of label.
You live in a socialist society and you and yours benefit from it .... but you look to the right who want to destroy everything that supports you