Bullying at work

It is because of behaviour like this that i would recommend EVERYONE to join a Trade Union as soon as they start a job, not wait until they are the victim of harrassment or bullying.
The comments about your father are totally out of order, as are the comments about the previous meeting with your wifes reporting officer and her boss.
Get them documented, get a timeline of who said what when and how, get witness statements if possible, and take it up with the HR department, with emails where possible.
The department I work in has quite a few bullies in it, one of the reasons why when I communicate with management I try where possible to do it by email, meaning that if a complaint comes in (or worse), I have the proof that I was carrying out my duties as instructed & management cant back out of what they instructed, although I appreciate that this is easier for me as I work approx 60 miles from HQ.
law74 said:
It is because of behaviour like this that i would recommend EVERYONE to join a Trade Union as soon as they start a job, not wait until they are the victim of harrassment or bullying.
The comments about your father are totally out of order, as are the comments about the previous meeting with your wifes reporting officer and her boss.
Get them documented, get a timeline of who said what when and how, get witness statements if possible, and take it up with the HR department, with emails where possible.
The department I work in has quite a few bullies in it, one of the reasons why when I communicate with management I try where possible to do it by email, meaning that if a complaint comes in (or worse), I have the proof that I was carrying out my duties as instructed & management cant back out of what they instructed, although I appreciate that this is easier for me as I work approx 60 miles from HQ.

emails are good to cover yourself. In my old work, I used to get annoyed when I got an email off someone sat in the same room as me or someone would ask me to email them something I had just told them, but when I think about it, I can see that it helped to cover both of us in case anything was disputed
totallywired said:
Captain Kompany said:
Find our where she lives and put the bitches window through.
Nowt to say say nowt.
watch out this is the Red Adair or riot busting<br /><br />-- Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:11 pm --<br /><br />Cake sent you a PM with the formal NHS policy
law74 said:
It is because of behaviour like this that i would recommend EVERYONE to join a Trade Union as soon as they start a job, not wait until they are the victim of harrassment or bullying.
Absolutely this. I've been a union rep and been able to help people with problems at work and also a member, where they've helped me after a serious issue at work.
Prestwich_Blue said:
law74 said:
It is because of behaviour like this that i would recommend EVERYONE to join a Trade Union as soon as they start a job, not wait until they are the victim of harrassment or bullying.
Absolutely this. I've been a union rep and been able to help people with problems at work and also a member, where they've helped me after a serious issue at work.

Sadly until now we never saw the benefit of it, with hindsight she would have joined immediately upon starting work in the NHS.
Cake said:
Just after a bit of advice please folks.

My Mrs works in the NHS and is really suffering at the moment, we have a lot going on at the moment so we are both a bit stressed out but what is going on at her work is making it massively worse for her and we don't know best way to approach it.

Basically her boss is a complete woman who is incompetent at her job but manages to pass down her failings to make it look like my Mrs fault. She is a shit manager, has no people skills and is abismal at her job. If it was the private sector she would have been shipped out ages ago!

Example - my Mrs did a presentation infron of her boss and 12 others last week, is was done exactly as per her boss instructions (she emailed her what to do). At the end of this presentation the head of department said it wasn't really what she wanted so my Mrs boss jumps up, walks over to her and infront of everyone starts banging and jabbing her finger on the table and asking why she did it wrong, if she didn't understand the instructions to ask, if she wasn't competent at job somebody else wil have to do these in future. My Mrs replied that it was done as per the emailed instructions and was talked down to again and told that she was basically not clever enough to understand the instruction. She said she felt completely humiliated infront of 12 other people, even the others in the room couldnt beleive what had just happened. I have read both and it is done exactly as it should be.

The boss constantly talks down to her, berates & humiliates her infront of colleagues when somthing is done 'incorrectly' yet it is generally her instructions that are incorrect, makes it awkward for her to have holiday (she is the only full timer in dept - the other 2 women do part time), makes it difficult for doctors & dentist appts.

The final straw (which I only found out a couple days ago) when my Dad died in June, my Mrs phoned in to work from my parents house the next day to say she wouldn't be in and why. Her boss then said to her 'have you seen the body - I've never been in that position before, was it cold?'

Because this woman is her boss we don't really know what to do as we fear that it could make her working life even more difficult. She loves her job, the dept she works in and is very good at what she does, but is hating working for this woman. The issue has already been raised with the head of department in May this year but it was seemingly brushed under the carpet as it would cause her hassle.

How should we approach this?

when the boss goes a for a piss, get your wife to follow her in to the bogs (no cameras) your mrs then wings the woman in the back right at the kidneys and says you ever speak to me like that again and i'll set fire to you.
then back to work like fuck all has happend.

i was bullied in my first job, one of the older guys made my life hell, i was 15 and needed the job so for a while i took it. one day i took a house brick in with me and placed it in the warehouse, up pops the bully so i grab my brick and in my defence warn the bully that he either stops or he cops for it. one brick it the face later he left me alone and the company for good.

-- Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:55 pm --
totallywired said:
Captain Kompany said:
Find our where she lives and put the bitches window through.
Nowt to say say nowt.
watch out this is the Red Adair or riot busting

-- Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:11 pm --

Cake sent you a PM with the formal NHS policy

Thank you for the info mate, I have passed it on to her.
Cake said:
totallywired said:
Nowt to say say nowt.
watch out this is the Red Adair or riot busting

-- Thu Aug 11, 2011 2:11 pm --

Cake sent you a PM with the formal NHS policy

Thank you for the info mate, I have passed it on to her.
There is loads more to it so if you need anything else just let me know I will see what I can do

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