Bumping into players?


14 Apr 2015
Hi - rarely post, often read. Not sure if this is in the right section.
Bumped into Trevor Sinclair in a pub the other night, throughly nice bloke. Just got me thinking, who have people bumped into whilst just out and about? Any good/funny stories?
Steve Lomas on bridge street in warrington
Garry Flitcroft in Pilsworth cinema
SWP in a club in town
Nicky Weaver shopping in town
Jeff Whitely in the flag in Watford
KDB shopping in the baby section in Kendal’s
My Dad bumped in to Üwe Rosler at the old Wembly. Well, when I say bumped into I actually mean Üwe picked him up when he slipped on his arse.

When I was a nipper we were driving to Maine Road for the match and we spotted some smartly dressed fella at the side of the struggling with the petrol cap on his BMW. My dad stopped to help. It turned out to be non-other than David White, who was having a mare with his new car. We offered him a lift to the game, but he'd already called his father-in-law. I think he scored that day.
Steve Lomas on bridge street in warrington
Garry Flitcroft in Pilsworth cinema
SWP in a club in town
Nicky Weaver shopping in town
Jeff Whitely in the flag in Watford
KDB shopping in the baby section in Kendal’s

Are you a stalker?

Paul Dickov at a Keane concert at the Apollo.
2012 at Manchester airport. We were stood at our gate waiting for the row numbers to be announced and as I was stood facing the Mrs, over her shoulder I could see this very tall, good looking woman walking down with this fella who was carrying a couple of shopping bags.
I was trying my best not to get caught ogling the woman, but as they got closer I had another sneaky peek and low and behold the fella was Pablo Zabaletta

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