Bus drivers?


Well-Known Member
5 Sep 2008
Casa Bonita
Seriously what is the deal with bus drivers,

lots of people have shit jobs and at least try and put on a smile and be friendly and some are genuinely happy.

But nowhere on earth have I found such a high concentration of miserable, snide and rude tossers than I have in bus drivers.

Occaisionally you will get the odd nice one but it seems to me like 80-90% are miserable.

Are they massively underpaid or recruited from prison or something? whats the deal?
My brother used to be a bus driver, and some of the stuff he told me he got up to really did beggar belief. From driving past full bus stops when he was running a bit late, to abusing some passengers. Mind you, that was a good few years ago, and I thought things would have changed. Luckily, when I'm back in Manchester I live near the train station in Leve, so never use buses at all.
BlueSam said:
Seriously what is the deal with bus drivers,

lots of people have shit jobs and at least try and put on a smile and be friendly and some are genuinely happy.

But nowhere on earth have I found such a high concentration of miserable, snide and rude tossers than I have in bus drivers.

Occaisionally you will get the odd nice one but it seems to me like 80-90% are miserable.

Are they massively underpaid or recruited from prison or something? whats the deal?
I Hate you butler uhuhuhu.
I've had some run ins with some nob head bus drivers before, but I always remeber one top one.

I was chasing the 347 in haughton green, and he could see me coming, as he was stopped at the stop, and just pulled away. A 204 came up behind as i stood gasping at the bus stop. He said "Jump on mate", i told him i was going to ashton, so it didn't matter. He said "Get on, and we'll catch him up before crown point".

The bus driver then put his foot down and over took the 347 on stockport road, and I was able to get the 347 at crown point. The fella on the 204 didn't charge me a thing, and was nothing but the nicest fella ever.

Best bus driver ever, and a top bloke. Must have been a blue.
I find a lot of bus drivers ill-mannered.

If I'm taking my son into town or picking him up from nursery, I find a lot of them decline to drop the bus down or when boarding/ leaving the bus, stop a foot away from the kerb.

I always tell them "Are you having a laugh?? Get me closer to the pavement!".

D*ckheads, half of them!
I wouldn't do their job for all the tea in China! Dealing with the public for 8 hours a day would drive you into the nut house (no pun intended)...
Most of them take the Piss but you do get the odd nice one who will let you on for 80p even though he knows your too old haha.

Had a bus driver yesterday who when I asked for a mega rider he looked at me in dismay and just said just get in on your next bus and let me on for free.
Do you blame them with some of the scum they have to carry? Working late night buses with pissed up wankers delaying you every 5 minutes, abused and threatened for having the audacity to ask for the right fare. Our buses are starting to look like prison buses now with the protective cages around the cab to stop people hitting them.

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