Bus drivers?

I try and avoid buses as much as possible, really dislike dealing with the rude job hating wankers who drive them.

My missus has to get the bus quite often with 2 kids, they are always setting off before she has got the kids sat down and are generally rude. Theres plenty of people who want a job so if they dont want jobs dealing with the public then leave.

I got the bus the other week and there was a chinese lad in front of me paying with 5p's, the driver was proper nasty saying havent you got anything else! Try paying with a £10er, you cant win with the miserible tw&ts
My nephew is a bus driver and hates it, he gets yobs threatening him and worst of all spitting at him on a daily basis. also, what the little f*ckers do is pull the engine stop on the back. he isn't allowed out of the cab to reset it as they just get in the cab and nick his money so he has to sit wherever he is and call for assistance. I wouldn't last five minutes before I was either killed or I commited murder.
BlueSam said:
Seriously what is the deal with bus drivers,

lots of people have shit jobs and at least try and put on a smile and be friendly and some are genuinely happy.

But nowhere on earth have I found such a high concentration of miserable, snide and rude tossers than I have in bus drivers.

Occaisionally you will get the odd nice one but it seems to me like 80-90% are miserable.

Are they massively underpaid or recruited from prison or something? whats the deal?
You're views are reflected by most people I know, the truth is most bus drivers are miserable bastards. Don't think I've ever met a cheery, polite one despite seeing 1000s of em.

Thinking about, going around all day stopping and starting every 20 seconds would probably make me miserable and depressed, still you're paid for good service
There are a few plesant drivers, One I've not seen for a while used to call out all the stops as he was arriving and was really cheerful. Seen him a couple of times driving the 84 & 86 routes.
I was running for the metro bus the other week when the met was broken. Anyway I seen the bus turn onto the road so I was running to the bus stop.. The bus stopped as I got to the back of the bus he drove off the ****.

I don't mind bus drivers if they just give me my ticket but the ones who speak to the passengers shouting back do my fucking head in.
London bus drivers don't even look at you, they are all behind a thick safety barrier and we use a pre-paid Oyster card which you touch onto a reader that deducts your fare. Any distance is £1.20. Maximum fare on a daily basis is £5.50 and that's regardless of how many journeys and wether its bus, train or tube
I've never met one in real life

they must get bussed in from elsewhere

I promise if I ever meet one I will knock him out
alright chaps i'm a bus driver.rarely miserable,almost always polite,let passengers sit before setting off etc etc.could of had numerous scraps and confrontations but i just cant be arsed,like most people in their jobs i want to go do my shift with as little hassle as possible.yes a lot of drivers are miserable cunts but keep in mind every fucker for whatever reason wants to overtake a bus not let them out at junctions for fear of being held up,and to top it all the biggest majority of commuters are rude arrogant pricks.passengers can show me a sweet wrapper for a ticket and i couldn't give a fuck but there is absolutely no place in my ideology for rudeness.
Don't even get me going on the buses but as for the drivers...

Some of 'em are arses, but some of 'em are fine and one or two I know are even Blues! But if they're driving for Worst Bus then they're being shafted the same as the punters while the shareholders coin it in.

The problems started the day they took the conductors off, but Worst are "transforming travel" all right (as their advertising boasts) and now it's a free-for-all with early runners and rolling wrecks full of 4x4 pushchairs and squawking kids competing with their mothers' mobiles for attention... teenagers playing rap-crap at full pelt... motormouths bawling their normally innermost thoughts into their megaphones... crackpots, potheads, paraffins and tricksters... you name it. All aboard while the driver stays in his hermetically sealed cockpit listening to the cricket!

And I can't say I blame him.
The best bus driver i had was on my regular route, was the best whistler i've ever heard, full songs non stop all journey. Class. He retired though.

The couple of them are decent guys.

The rest are knobs, but i don't begrudge them that, i'm a knob when i'm doing something i don't like.

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