Bus drivers?

mat said:
Do you blame them with some of the scum they have to carry? Working late night buses with pissed up wankers delaying you every 5 minutes, abused and threatened for having the audacity to ask for the right fare. Our buses are starting to look like prison buses now with the protective cages around the cab to stop people hitting them.

So, are we scum that want to get our kids from A to B, safely?

Explain your thought process for daytime drivers!
My grandad and dad were both bus drivers and both well liked by passengers. When we were kids we used to spend summer holidays sat on the 101 touring Manchester. My dad used to drive a local route so he'd have lots of regulars. It went past our house and he'd come and tell us to do him a brew and a bacon butty. Next time he came past he'd stop the bus and come in leaving a bus full of people outside. Passengers thought it was hilarious.

Hi dad, in case he's reading
Bigga said:
mat said:
Do you blame them with some of the scum they have to carry? Working late night buses with pissed up wankers delaying you every 5 minutes, abused and threatened for having the audacity to ask for the right fare. Our buses are starting to look like prison buses now with the protective cages around the cab to stop people hitting them.

So, are we scum that want to get our kids from A to B, safely?

Explain your thought process for daytime drivers!

They're just miserable full stop!


I don't drive and only use public transport. The bus route i use goes through an area where they always get shit either from late teens trying to pay a kids fare or mums with pushchairs who can't get on as the bays are full. Whilst some twat is destroying his phone speaker by allowing us to listen to the shite he's playing. It grinds my gears for 5 minutes, they get it 10 hours a day.

Perversly, i still enjoy travelling on peasent carriers.
Can I extend this thread to binmen/bin lorry drivers aswell?...
Who are also complete w*****rs, deliberately stopping in the middle of the road blocking all the traffic when they could easily pull in to the side, leaving emptied bins scattered all over the place ...(unless it happens to be on an estate where councilors live, then suprisingly nothing is too much trouble for the binmen... putting bins back on driveways, closing gates, picking up stray litter etc) arseholes, I hate them.
Don't mind if they smile or they're ill-mannered or not as long as they drive fast

We've got this little weird bloke who drives our bus sometimes and he drives me mad. People can be late for work just because he's such a useless little ****
Clubber said:
I've had some run ins with some nob head bus drivers before, but I always remeber one top one.

I was chasing the 347 in haughton green, and he could see me coming, as he was stopped at the stop, and just pulled away. A 204 came up behind as i stood gasping at the bus stop. He said "Jump on mate", i told him i was going to ashton, so it didn't matter. He said "Get on, and we'll catch him up before crown point".

The bus driver then put his foot down and over took the 347 on stockport road, and I was able to get the 347 at crown point. The fella on the 204 didn't charge me a thing, and was nothing but the nicest fella ever.

Best bus driver ever, and a top bloke. Must have been a blue.
Sounds like something my father in law would do that, little Irish bloke with a bald head? He's called Tony and sings a lot, hmmm!
jacko74 said:
Can I extend this thread to binmen/bin lorry drivers aswell?...
Who are also complete w*****rs, deliberately stopping in the middle of the road blocking all the traffic when they could easily pull in to the side, leaving emptied bins scattered all over the place ...(unless it happens to be on an estate where councilors live, then suprisingly nothing is too much trouble for the binmen... putting bins back on driveways, closing gates, picking up stray litter etc) arseholes, I hate them.

Its like you can read my mind, i share these thoghts entirely!

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