Buy ur club n burn it down

It is worse than the Mewnik stuff, more recent and more got killed.
Who cares fuck me, sing it if u want 2 and if u dont like it dont sing it

Jack74 said:
Who cares fuck me, sing it if u want 2 and if u dont like it dont sing it


Spot on. I don't know why anyone would waste their time starting a thread complaining about this. It's a song that is purely hypothetical - the notion that our club would ever buy somebody else's with the intention of burning it down is pure fallacy so why make a song a dance about it? It's a tongue-in-cheek chant. My own views on the song are mixed - I don't have a problem singing it to the the fans of the so-called "Big 4" as all those clubs (and a good percentage of the fans of those clubs) are so far up their own arses it's untrue. Singing it to other clubs does smack of arrogance in the main but it depends on the circumstances - for example, on Saturday I was next to the Forest fans and had to listen to them treating us to a rendition of "You've got no history" and "You've never won fuck-all" (That second one is a double negative but it's obvious what they were implying). Now in all the years of watching City play Forest home and away, I have never once heard their fans sing either of those 2 songs. So what's changed? Well to these fuckwits, it must seem to them that since we were taken over in September our football club never existed beforehand. That's right - Manchester City with their 128 years of history and 9 major trophies (more than Forest have won) actually has no history and no trophies. You really couldn't make this shit up. So to those Forest fans on Saturday singing such bullshit songs, they were more than fair game for a verse or 2 of "Buy your club and burn it down".

If people want to complain about the arrogance of the song, then why not complain about the arrogance of "City, the best team in the land and all the world"? We are neither - we were the best team in the land once upon a time but not now, not by a long chalk.
another thread on here that is just turning into city fans slagging others off.........

if you dont like the song ,either dont sing it, buy some fucking ear muffs or something or just dont go, simple as

fuck changing the lyrics, keep em as they are :)
Forest fans didn't seem to mind - they just started singing in response "You might be rich, but you're f*ckin' sh!t" - which was a perfectly fair assessment of City on Saturday.

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