And you piss off, you know nowt. You said at least the Thatcher era fed everyone, or words to that effect, whoever you were talking to, I was actually criticising her, as I was there at the time, and many folk were really suffering, as your benefits
were fucking miserly, have you ever claimed, were you around then?
Tell us what you got, or any experience of someone you knew at the time,
and check the current yougov rates now.
I knew fucking plenty around that time who were absolutely skint, doing odd
jobs whilst claiming the pittance you got then on the sly, and fair play to them. My world view isn't 'sending' anyone anywhere, it's based on experiences at the time, tell us what yours are.
If you are talking in purely monetary terms then you are correct.
If you are talking in real terms you are miles off the mark.
And yes i do know what i am talking about as i did claim welfare in both era's.
The UK has one of if not the worst welfare rates in Europe. It has been systematically destroyed since Osborne got his hands on the purse strings and introduced his idiotic austerity policies.
What people dont understand is welfare, they have an idealised version of it imprinted in their minds and in truth it is nothing like what they imagine it to be.
The universality principle has been eroded, the welfare cap has hammered families, cuts in child benefit has hurt mothers, ESA is an absolute piss take, PIP is a fucking disgrace, Pensions whilst triple lock protected for political means are still pitiful by EU standards.
Thatcher started this off because of her governments association with neo-liberalism and neo-liberalisms anti welfarist bent. Of course welfare still exists but the big recipients of welfare are now corporations, it is Socialism for them and disaster capitalism for those at the bottom.
Universal Credit for all its good intentions bares no actually affinity with real life. It is fucking cruel and it is heartless and its idiotic rules have helped fuel the rise of food banks. Rules on how welfare is paid have changed, that was done to save a miniscule amount of money in one of Osbornes austerity moves. Landlords are now turning people out of homes because of the stupidity of IDS. Moves to pay welfare monthly rather than fortnightly have led to rise in food bank usage. Suicide amongst UC claimants is rising, fuel poverty is rife and I think the tories actually enjoy inflicting pain on the those with least because if they dont they are sadistic bastards.
Look at the amount of claims overturned for PIP, i hope to fuck nobody here ever has to go through the process of ritual humiliation in order to get enough to buy a can of lidl beans once a week.
The Tories do not believe in the welfare state, they never have and never will, they pay lip service to it because they can use it to bribe pensioners to vote for them.
I really hope that you Tories never have to navigate the welfare minefield, because you will be poor and you will suffer and I dont wish that on anyone.