I 100% agree with that, as much as I despise Thatcher she never did anything approaching what this shower of cunts have done. What she did though mate was change the mindset from One Nation Conservatism (which i quite admire) to the neo-liberal Toryism we see today, Cameron, May and Johnson are all children of Thatcher who have taken her vision further. Blair had the majority and the support to reverse Thatcherism, but he failed as well in that regard and helped lay the foundations for what we are witnessing today.
Its not just on here though that there are people who will not condemn the callousness and irresponsibility of this Government, they are still polling above Labour. Its why i started this thread, I really want to understand why and how people can support Johnson, he has been comfortably the worst PM i have ever known and that includes Thatcher.
I watched a thing last night with Peter Oborne, the right wing newspaper columnist and at least he is scathing about Johnson and the lies he tells, so maybe the worm is starting to turn. I fucking hope because this country is going to hell in a handcart under this shower of cunts.
Disreali one nation conservatism, was porbably the closest they every came to having some empathy with their citizens daily grind, though it was still very much a heirarchy where you knew your place.
As for that witch, the only thing I can credit her for is that she actually believed in her ideolodlgy and stuck to it, none of this changing with wind and popular choice, a politician that stood by their (to me warped) principal, but.
She destroyed the postwar dream that Britain could be one that used capitalism in principle to grow while maintaining a socialist ideas and compassion for those not lucky enough to be in the power and resources-owning elite. In other words, she made Britain look a lot more like the US while fawning over ubercunt Reagan.
We are still suffering from this america-lite, neo-liberal approach, as societally we are not in tune with it, we have a heirarchy system and as much as any politician says they want to make us classless, that can only start at the top with removal of symbols of class such as a monarch, house of lords etc.
Blair & cameron, are products of the shift and if the inevitable crash hadn't happened we would still be enthralled with this ideology
But what we have seen more recently is a semi retrun to one nation conservatism, for someone like johnson it makes sense, give the lower classes some scraps some reforms and support as it keeps them sedated, while re-arfirming the patriacal need of an establishment to look after them. I do though believe unlike Disreali who thought it a duty to be PM, johnson saw his old rival cameron do it and became a goal rather than a conviction.
On a seperate note the last few years conseravatism leading up to and getting through brexit leaned heavily on their WDU campaign in the early 20th century playing upon nationalosm and fear of Britians soveriegnty, that campaign, at the time also became popular amongst the working class, so to assume it could happen again isn't calling anyone thick or easily impressionable, but just concerned with the future and being given a idealistcised and enticing answer to it.