Calling notice to all City fans going to the derby.

You are so right. I was one of those who spent a few evenings cutting up reels of pale blue ribbon and handing them out in the North Stand ( I know, sad life having nothing else to do), but do you know what, I think it was a terrific idea and looked brilliant, so I am with you on this one too, sing your hearts out for City. i know we are disappointed we threw the league away at the end but coming second is still a heck of an achievement, better than we have for years, so, being an optimist, City are improving. I will be singing my head off, off key, but who cares.
If worst comes to worse and the twats do win it i reckon we should blare out blue moon and everyone should stay behind and sing would show that we are not going away. CTID. "were man city, we stay till the end!".
Remember my last calling notice for a Derby game, that was when I did the ticker tape, well this time I reckon we need to make the rest of the country and Sky to see what we are all really about and if they have won the lge before the Derby because I would hate the thought it could happen on the night we have to drown the Rag fans out witha constant stream of songs. Show the world we are behind the team and manager and what we have achieved this season has made us even more proud. Mistakes have been made and learnt from hopefully. What we need to do on here over the next 3 weeks is get some ideas going and make the 30th April OUR NIGHT not theirs.
We do this kind of stuff better then anyone, so lets get things started by coming up with ideas for the night, loads of singing from the start, lets fucking party and show the world we are CITY.

Agreed, we should be like the Rangers fans were at Ibrox against Celtic. The fans never stopped making a noise all game, including during half time. This seemed to inspire the team to an extra level to make sure Celtic didn't win the league at their place.
trevorriley said:
the best thread fo a long time that, good man...

Come on every CTID, heads together to make it our evening, we like to spoil the rags parties !

Singing, chanting, all wear the colours, boo the minute they touch the ball, cheer the lads on.

We are the most improved club in the premiershipo for the last 3 years and it is going to get better. The rags are on a slide, 6-1 thrashing off us and playing catch up all season, dumped out of europe by the Turks ! Yet they still try to boast.

Come on everybody, get some ideas together, or set uyp a meeting. We need to take the night over more than we did wembley with the poznan..[/quote

The rags are on the slide eh? I fucking wish we were on the same one pal.
We should boo Shrek for what he did to vinny. That screwed our season big time! Should not let up for all match and hopefully he will snap like Ronaldo did back in 05 or 06 , and got himself sent off! That was funny as we all waved him goodbye. Shrek must be due an injury soon anyway as the Euros are coming up and he usually does before a big tournament, the ****.
We also have to avoid singing songs to there tunes because it just comes across on Tv as them
We have to sing our songs let them respond to them make our noise louder if needs to be which I doubt
Now here's a thread I can get on board with. Let's show the rag brigade that being a City fan is about more than just winning. Show them how supporters dig in when the team is facing adversity, that's the mark of a good set of fans.

Above all, let's show them that we're not going anywhere.
we wont see the rags win what they have in the last 10 years happen again in the next 10 years !

Dumped out of europe early, lack of investment from owners...

Make it our night on the 30th, I will be doing..

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