Cameron suggests cutting housing benefit

I completely agree with him. The cost of housing is far too high and somebody needs to do something. Labour left this country in the biggest mess it has been in for over 100 years and he is trying to sort out the mess. Good for him.
Does this libdem fella nick clegg have any influence whatsoever in government policy or does he just make tea and butties for everyone?
Prestwich_Blue said:
The Welfare System was originally conceived as a safety net but now it's seen as a way of life by many families. There are people who play the system just as cleverly as tax lawyers play the tax system.

I tried to claim Housing Benefit when I was 25 and legitimately unemployed for the first time in my working life - and they gave me a list of reasons of why I'd failed to get it. It was several pages long and included backhanded accusations of lying about where I lived, who I lived with, who owned the house I lived in etc. Sometimes I wonder exactly how stupid the unemployable really are.
Good. It shouldn't be a lifestyle choice. Simple as that. We all know it's abused and people actually have kids to get more benefit. Only problem with this policy is someone else will come out with the opposite and win all the votes from the sections of society that rely on the benefits system to make a living.
The Mail quoted Mr Cameron contrasting a couple living with their parents and saving before getting married and having children with a couple who have a child and get a council home.

"One is trapped in a welfare system that discourages them from working, the other is doing the right thing and getting no help," he said.

Mr Cameron said the welfare system sent out the signal that people were "better off not working, or working less".

"It encourages people not to work and have children, but we should help people to work and have children,"
Don't know how anyone can argue with that. Good idea I think. Just shocked Thatcher hasn't been blamed.

Edit: On no, she has, hadn't seen Law74 had posted.
Hamann Pineapple said:
Good. It shouldn't be a lifestyle choice. Simple as that. We all know it's abused and people actually have kids to get more benefit. Only problem with this policy is someone else will come out with the opposite and win all the votes from the sections of society that rely on the benefits system to make a living.
That's the thing: for many it isn't a lifestyle choice. You get the odd few who abuse the system, naturally. But with the record this government has on youth unemployment, to say you're going to remove things like housing benefit from these people is downright disgraceful.

The younger sections of society have been treated like dirt by this government. Whether it be the tripling of tuition fees, removal of things like the EMA, the appalling record on youth unemployment and now this. It sickens me.
speccybob 8 said:

The prime minister has suggested that people under the age of 25 could lose the right to housing benefit, as part of moves to cut the welfare bill.

Scrapping the benefit for that age group would save almost £2bn a year.

In an interview in the Mail on Sunday, David Cameron said he wanted to stop those who were working from feeling resentment towards people on benefits.

Mr Cameron said the existing system was sending out "strange signals" on working, housing and families.

He called for a wider debate on issues including the cost of benefits.

BBC political correspondent Vicki Young said the article was a clear appeal to core Tory voters and MPs who have criticised Mr Cameron for failing to promote Conservative values.

'Trapped in welfare'
The Mail quoted Mr Cameron contrasting a couple living with their parents and saving before getting married and having children with a couple who have a child and get a council home.

"One is trapped in a welfare system that discourages them from working, the other is doing the right thing and getting no help," he said.

Mr Cameron said the welfare system sent out the signal that people were "better off not working, or working less".

"It encourages people not to work and have children, but we should help people to work and have children," he said.

He said that he also favoured new curbs on the Jobseeker's Allowance.

Downing Street said they were Conservative plans for after the next general election.

Later this week, Mr Cameron will set out more proposals for proposals aimed at cutting the UK's welfare bill.

The Mail said those under consideration included forcing some unemployed to do community work after two years on benefits.

In March, the government's Welfare Reform Act received Royal Assent.

That Act - which applies to England, Scotland and Wales - introduces an annual cap on benefits and overhauls many welfare payments.

good, see this is what we need, bold moves to get us back on track whilst making more cadgers get a job.
well done again dave.
SWP's back said:
The Mail quoted Mr Cameron contrasting a couple living with their parents and saving before getting married and having children with a couple who have a child and get a council home.

"One is trapped in a welfare system that discourages them from working, the other is doing the right thing and getting no help," he said.

Mr Cameron said the welfare system sent out the signal that people were "better off not working, or working less".

"It encourages people not to work and have children, but we should help people to work and have children,"
Don't know how anyone can argue with that. Good idea I think. Just shocked Thatcher hasn't been blamed.

Edit: On no, she has, hadn't seen Law74 had posted.

Because this assumes the idea that there is a "right way" of living life, which is incredibly arrogant, presumptuous and downright offensive. What is "right" for an 18 year old kid on a council estate will not be "right" for a 23 year old living in Bowden, and vice versa.

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