maggies children seem cocksure that cameron played a blinder. Although based on wish and guess it seems the future is now much brighter,and it is only a matter of time before a referendum to complete the job and return to a splendid isolation.Apparently the EU need us more than we need them,as we have a voracious appetite for their goods( sausages maybe or onions) whilst we only depend on them for gas (therefore electricity) but even should they retaliate and double the tariff we can just put the price to customers up,problem solved.From it's inception the brits have been a disruptive member of the EU,probably less welcome now than ever before, retaliation cannot be ruled out,but our superior skills will easily cope,after all there is only 26 countries looking for pay-back.Trouble is,much as i would love to believe that the tories have the best interest of the country at heart and not just their pay-masters in the "city",nothing in their history,from the whigs to present day suggests they have.