Can a man be friends with a woman he is physically attracted to?

I had just got married to the first mr k and whilst he was sea i went to a game at maine road with a girlfriend of mine , we met two guys in a nightclub playing some weird sexual game that was the norm in clubs in the eighties , turned out mine was a blue so we got chatting , made it clear i was not up for cheating , strange thing was we stayed friends , the first mr k was ok with it

We stayed friends for a couple of years , we both had partners , then ......

We found we were both single at the same time , we shagged for a week then decided we were better off as friends , we are still friends to this day
I had just got married to the first mr k and whilst he was sea i went to a game at maine road with a girlfriend of mine , we met two guys in a nightclub playing some weird sexual game that was the norm in clubs in the eighties , turned out mine was a blue so we got chatting , made it clear i was not up for cheating , strange thing was we stayed friends , the first mr k was ok with it

We stayed friends for a couple of years , we both had partners , then ......

We found we were both single at the same time , we shagged for a week then decided we were better off as friends , we are still friends to this day
Wow that’s a long shag
I had just got married to the first mr k and whilst he was sea i went to a game at maine road with a girlfriend of mine , we met two guys in a nightclub playing some weird sexual game that was the norm in clubs in the eighties , turned out mine was a blue so we got chatting , made it clear i was not up for cheating , strange thing was we stayed friends , the first mr k was ok with it

We stayed friends for a couple of years , we both had partners , then ......

We found we were both single at the same time , we shagged for a week then decided we were better off as friends , we are still friends to this day
I've had relationships with girls that were initially romantic and sexual but ended up just being friends.
They probably felt sorry for me ;)
What men do lunch and go shopping with other men never mind women?
Me, I’ve met other men, and pre married days at least, other women, we’ve had some lunch couple of drinks gone shopping. Mainly vinyl, occasionally clothes. Top tip if you’ve had more than a couple of drinks forget clothes shopping.
I have a few female friends my Wife knows about that aren't in her social group. If I say I'm off for a pint with Sally and her mates she cares not a jot. I'm totally open about it. That's the trick. Sally is a looker and worked for me for 10 years. Never crossed my mind to try and 'jump her bones' as she's a mate first. My Wife has met her and likes her.

No idea what goes on in her head mind, she could be full of hatred for all I know.
Can I say, that's really gay
I had just got married to the first mr k and whilst he was sea i went to a game at maine road with a girlfriend of mine , we met two guys in a nightclub playing some weird sexual game that was the norm in clubs in the eighties , turned out mine was a blue so we got chatting , made it clear i was not up for cheating , strange thing was we stayed friends , the first mr k was ok with it

We stayed friends for a couple of years , we both had partners , then ......

We found we were both single at the same time , we shagged for a week then decided we were better off as friends , we are still friends to this day

Is it just me or does anybody else read that in a Simon Bates “Our Tune” voice?
Once you're an old guy like me and married and truly off the market for decades it's a lot easier.

Incidentally, "Harry" is a whin(g)y little creep in that film -- a thinner George Costanza, only more mopey. Feels so sorry for himself he can't think straight. I never believed for a second Sally would really fall for him. Only in Hollywood.
Age is a factor. The older you get, the more it becomes about companionship.

I worked in an Asda when I was younger and met an absolutely gorgeous co-worker. Long story short, we hit it off but by the time I plucked up the courage to say anything, she said she didn't see me that way. I saw my arse, couldn't deal with "friendship only" and we just drifted. That makes me a little shallow, but I don't doubt that attitude is hardwired into a lot of men's DNA.

And as soppy as Harry is in that film, he's ultimately proven right as they end up as more than friends.

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