Can a man be friends with a woman he is physically attracted to?

I have a few female friends my Wife knows about that aren't in her social group. If I say I'm off for a pint with Sally and her mates she cares not a jot. I'm totally open about it. That's the trick. Sally is a looker and worked for me for 10 years. Never crossed my mind to try and 'jump her bones' as she's a mate first. My Wife has met her and likes her.

No idea what goes on in her head mind, she could be full of hatred for all I know.
If Sally dropped her kecks when you were both pissed up behind a chippy at the end of the night and said I've always wanted to plough you you bimbo dirty bastard you wouldn't..?? ;-)
I have a few female friends my Wife knows about that aren't in her social group. If I say I'm off for a pint with Sally and her mates she cares not a jot. I'm totally open about it. That's the trick. Sally is a looker and worked for me for 10 years. Never crossed my mind to try and 'jump her bones' as she's a mate first. My Wife has met her and likes her.

No idea what goes on in her head mind, she could be full of hatred for all I know.
And if she jumped your bones, for God knows what reason would you be able to resist.
I had just got married to the first mr k and whilst he was sea i went to a game at maine road with a girlfriend of mine , we met two guys in a nightclub playing some weird sexual game that was the norm in clubs in the eighties , turned out mine was a blue so we got chatting , made it clear i was not up for cheating , strange thing was we stayed friends , the first mr k was ok with it

We stayed friends for a couple of years , we both had partners , then ......

We found we were both single at the same time , we shagged for a week then decided we were better off as friends , we are still friends to this day

Hang on....I was clubbing a lot in Manchester back then....what clubs had these weird sexual games going on lol? Years ago I was asked more than once to calm it down in Tiffany's on Oxford road when I was groping a girl from Levenhulme's knockers , does that count?
Says our resident Dr Shipman lookalike. When are you gonna gonna inject your next victim with Diamorphene?
Yes but he'll probably always be hoping she realises what a great guy he is and decides to jump his bones lol.

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