Can the UK handle..

Hez said:
I do wonder how many of the people on here defending the Roma's actually live among them?

The same shit was said about every other ethnic group that moved here.
The UK (and Australia) is much richer for the "new comers".

The "new comers", that the brain dead fuckwits carry on about, Asians (chinks) and Indians (curry munchers), fucking built this country (Australia), they have been here nearly as long as "true blue Aussie's", (not taking in to account the original "Aussie's").

Now the Neanderthals are shitting it because Somali's are coming here in numbers, even members of my Aussie family are crapping on that they should not be allowed.
The fucking hypocrisy! The same family members are proud of their Scottish heritage, 3 generations in Australia and it is "ours".
Fuck off.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Hez said:
I do wonder how many of the people on here defending the Roma's actually live among them?

So do you automatically fear and resent any ethnic group you don't live amongst?
That hardly seems very rational.
Why should anyone have to 'defend' them anyway?
They aren't fucking mass murderers, or paedophiles, or rags - they are folk who simply want a better life for themselves and their families.
As many blues on this forum have done, they seek that opportunity in a foreign country.
Is that really so wrong?

Rather patronising answer there. I don't fear or resent anyone nor do I sit being happy clappy and insisting there are no problems with the new Ethnic Groups living in Britain. A lot of the problems with the Roma have been mentioned, their culture is totally different to ours. Standing outside talking in groups doesn't sound much of a problem until you realise it's being done at 3 am very loudly with small kids racing up and down and a fair amount of alcohol involved in the adults behaviour. If we weren't so bothered about doing the right thing and perhaps informed immigrants of how they should behave now they live in another Country then maybe we wouldn't have all these frustrations simmering away. From my own interaction with the Roma as with anyone there are good and bad but they tend to be extremely scruffy and not remotely aware of time keeping or any form of structure. Is this their fault? No. Does it piss off other people who have lived somewhere for years? Of course it does.
BigJimLittleJim said:
Salford_Blue said:
It's not just the workers you should be worried about.

It's the sham marriage participants.

There are hundreds of Eastern European Roma "finding love" with non-EEA nationals and the lure of large amounts of money (to them) as payment, will see the figures rocket

How exactly will this make my life worse please, seriously?

Its the knock-on effect.

They "marry" non-EEA nationals in a marriage of convenience, with the sole reason being to gain Residency in the UK. Once granted Leave to Remain on the back on their EEA Residency they then bring in their real family and anyone else that they can support, further increasing the numbers of those who ordinarily wouldn't get into the country.. This puts an incredible strain on schools, health, housing, benefits, not to mention the communities that they live in.

A report found that one "couple" who took part in a bogus marriage (even though they never lived together) found that the cost to UKPLC, per year for one adult and one child was approximately £20,000. Multiply that by the thousands of sham marriages around the UK and you are into billions.

Then you've got the Eastern European trafficking victims who are forced into prostitution that are in your and my town/city.

And where is all the money made from arranging these marriages going? Funding more serious organised crime in the UK as well as back to their home countries to fund further serious organised crime and potentially funding Terrorism against the country that has given them that funding.

Now tell me it doesn't affect you as a UK citizen?
Why are posters bringing up previous waves of immigration?

It has nothing to do with what has happened in the past and how it has worked out well. The OP has asked "Can the UK handle an influx of Romanians". As in now can we handle it now? Not when we had a smaller population and a booming economy but now. Truth is in this state I think we can but it's going to be a huge drain on public services. It has fuck all to do with what has happened previously or what people's views are. There are sod all houses in London and the place is over populated. Jobs are few and far between.

Stats are there to suggest the high crime rate among Romanians. I wonder how many of the opposing view have actually lived in the same area as Romanians or have been affected?

I clocked a Romanian trying to scam me at a cash point a few years a go and was glad I didn't lose any money to the scum. As I go in to work every day, Oxford Street (London) is riddled with pick pocketers and scammers trying to rip off tourists and members of the public. I accept these are a minority but there will be more of them. I wonder what people's feelings would be on here if they were on Oxford Street in Manchester?

Now I am sure and know there are good people among Romanians (I happen to live with one), but there needs to be assurance that those wishing to enter the UK aren't going to flood the streets with beggars and the like and are looking to live an honest life.
Hez said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Hez said:
I do wonder how many of the people on here defending the Roma's actually live among them?

So do you automatically fear and resent any ethnic group you don't live amongst?
That hardly seems very rational.
Why should anyone have to 'defend' them anyway?
They aren't fucking mass murderers, or paedophiles, or rags - they are folk who simply want a better life for themselves and their families.
As many blues on this forum have done, they seek that opportunity in a foreign country.
Is that really so wrong?

Rather patronising answer there. I don't fear or resent anyone nor do I sit being happy clappy and insisting there are no problems with the new Ethnic Groups living in Britain. A lot of the problems with the Roma have been mentioned, their culture is totally different to ours. Standing outside talking in groups doesn't sound much of a problem until you realise it's being done at 3 am very loudly with small kids racing up and down and a fair amount of alcohol involved in the adults behaviour. If we weren't so bothered about doing the right thing and perhaps informed immigrants of how they should behave now they live in another Country then maybe we wouldn't have all these frustrations simmering away. From my own interaction with the Roma as with anyone there are good and bad but they tend to be extremely scruffy and not remotely aware of time keeping or any form of structure. Is this their fault? No. Does it piss off other people who have lived somewhere for years? Of course it does.

So they stand about in groups until the small hours drinking alcohol?
So just like the scruffy indigenous local white fuckwits who have never worked a day between them do outside my local off licence every night, only minus the spliffs and gratuitous racial abuse?
At least they have their small kids with them.
Unlike a couple of professional consultants I can think of.
And if bad timekeeping and looking scruffy are a threat to society, then someone should pm GDM and let him know.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Hez said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
So do you automatically fear and resent any ethnic group you don't live amongst?
That hardly seems very rational.
Why should anyone have to 'defend' them anyway?
They aren't fucking mass murderers, or paedophiles, or rags - they are folk who simply want a better life for themselves and their families.
As many blues on this forum have done, they seek that opportunity in a foreign country.
Is that really so wrong?

Rather patronising answer there. I don't fear or resent anyone nor do I sit being happy clappy and insisting there are no problems with the new Ethnic Groups living in Britain. A lot of the problems with the Roma have been mentioned, their culture is totally different to ours. Standing outside talking in groups doesn't sound much of a problem until you realise it's being done at 3 am very loudly with small kids racing up and down and a fair amount of alcohol involved in the adults behaviour. If we weren't so bothered about doing the right thing and perhaps informed immigrants of how they should behave now they live in another Country then maybe we wouldn't have all these frustrations simmering away. From my own interaction with the Roma as with anyone there are good and bad but they tend to be extremely scruffy and not remotely aware of time keeping or any form of structure. Is this their fault? No. Does it piss off other people who have lived somewhere for years? Of course it does.

So they stand about in groups until the small hours drinking alcohol?
So just like the scruffy indigenous local white fuckwits who have never worked a day between them do outside my local off licence every night, only minus the spliffs and gratuitous racial abuse?
At least they have their small kids with them.
Unlike a couple of professional consultants I can think of.
And if bad timekeeping and looking scruffy are a threat to society, then someone should pm GDM and let him know.

Well bad timekeeping as in continually missing Sight Test appointments has damaged our business so much we are having to relocate it. Never mind eh.

Do the white fuckwits stand making a noise at 3 am? Are you saying because they do it we should let more into the Country and encourage this behaviour? Nice to see you think it's great their parenting skills affect their kids well being and education prospects as they are too tired to get out of bed and go to school in the morning.

Looking scruffy is up to them and only affects them, if they want to smell like BO that's their choice, however also being scruffy as in leaving rubbish all over the streets and gobbing spit everywhere does affect other people and they don't like it. Though I'm sure according to you that's not a problem either.
Hez said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Hez said:
Rather patronising answer there. I don't fear or resent anyone nor do I sit being happy clappy and insisting there are no problems with the new Ethnic Groups living in Britain. A lot of the problems with the Roma have been mentioned, their culture is totally different to ours. Standing outside talking in groups doesn't sound much of a problem until you realise it's being done at 3 am very loudly with small kids racing up and down and a fair amount of alcohol involved in the adults behaviour. If we weren't so bothered about doing the right thing and perhaps informed immigrants of how they should behave now they live in another Country then maybe we wouldn't have all these frustrations simmering away. From my own interaction with the Roma as with anyone there are good and bad but they tend to be extremely scruffy and not remotely aware of time keeping or any form of structure. Is this their fault? No. Does it piss off other people who have lived somewhere for years? Of course it does.

So they stand about in groups until the small hours drinking alcohol?
So just like the scruffy indigenous local white fuckwits who have never worked a day between them do outside my local off licence every night, only minus the spliffs and gratuitous racial abuse?
At least they have their small kids with them.
Unlike a couple of professional consultants I can think of.
And if bad timekeeping and looking scruffy are a threat to society, then someone should pm GDM and let him know.

Well bad timekeeping as in continually missing Sight Test appointments has damaged our business so much we are having to relocate it. Never mind eh.

Do the white fuckwits stand making a noise at 3 am? Are you saying because they do it we should let more into the Country and encourage this behaviour? Nice to see you think it's great their parenting skills affect their kids well being and education prospects as they are too tired to get out of bed and go to school in the morning.

Looking scruffy is up to them and only affects them, if they want to smell like BO that's their choice, however also being scruffy as in leaving rubbish all over the streets and gobbing spit everywhere does affect other people and they don't like it. Though I'm sure according to you that's not a problem either.

You are missing my point, as well as a sense of humour.
That point being that our own house is very much in need of putting in order before we start judging Johnny Foreigner by a completely different set of criteria than those we set for the indigenous population.
Some folk who are born and bred here look like an unmade bed.
I do on a bad day.
So fucking what?
Some daft twats near me seem to see fly tipping as some kind of weekend hobby.
Some folk wherever you go spit on the floor, or like a beer, or make too much noise on occasion, and yes it can get on your tits when you have to get up at the crack of ten o clock to walk to Wetherspoons next day.
If your concerns about Roma folk really amount to whether they use fucking Right Guard and know how to tell the time, then is it not just possibly that you are getting yourself all het up unduly?
Live and let live - we are all different, and that's a good thing.
I've been looking at this thread all the wrong way!

Good news folks, all our resident right wing nutjobs seem to have finally accepted our indigenous Black, Asian and everyone else who isn't a Roma populations.

This is a momentous day, and deserves some sort of street party, with booze aplenty into the early hours of the morning, and bring the kids too, it'll be a family friendly shindig, just like the Jubilee celebrations.

Huzzah, God Save the Queen.
Placing a shedload of new immigrants into areas of high unemployment isn't a good idea. Let's find all immigrants places in areas of reasonable employment and opportunity.




Would be a start ;-)

And not get all het up about how bad they are UNTIL and IF they start flaunting the law en masse.
Wilmslow already has enough fortune tellers,they wear suits and call themselves financial advisers.

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