Can they all be wrong??

Damocles said:
larderland said:
iv been watching the coverage of us on match of the day and listening to soccer saturday and they all seem to think were a team of strangers like they all said last year and they seem to think its no diff this year..i know now lot of youse on here hate them but can they all be wrong??everyone bar city fans think were a joke and arent that good...jus want tosee what ppl think,i see were they are coming from but at the same time rubbish them

With the greatest respect mate, you tell me if they're wrong. You come on here every day, constantly searching out stories about City, it's players and it's staff. You hear every rumour about them all and watch every game then spend hours and hours debating with fellow blues and dissecting every point of the game.

You are far more of an expert about City than 'pundits' who watch a few highlights are.

ye suppose mate,i agree with them when they say were a bunch of strangers cos well at the mo we are BUT for a bunch of strangers to get a point at whl after 1 day of training together is pretty good imo and to say we are a million miles away from winning the league is wrong
larderland said:
Damocles said:
With the greatest respect mate, you tell me if they're wrong. You come on here every day, constantly searching out stories about City, it's players and it's staff. You hear every rumour about them all and watch every game then spend hours and hours debating with fellow blues and dissecting every point of the game.

You are far more of an expert about City than 'pundits' who watch a few highlights are.

ye suppose mate,i agree with them when they say were a bunch of strangers cos well at the mo we are BUT for a bunch of strangers to get a point at whl after 1 day of training together is pretty good imo and to say we are a million miles away from winning the league is wrong

We are a bunch of strangers tbh but this bunch of strangers got a great result at spuds....Wait until we're not strangers and then let them judge.

we all wanted new players and lots of em ( if the transfer forum is owt to go by) well we got them but we have to suffer the team building glitches that come with it..

Cake and eat it yes...but not yet... :)
Money has been both good and bad for us . We massively improve like last season with all these top quality players . then the pressure on us is immense and everyone expects us to be amazing , the best . All these prats , hansen , merson and shearer are simply jealous and look on us out of envy like most people do . We have not had time to gel and still got a point , we all saw de jong , vinnie and kolo play brilliantly yesterday and we will all admit that but they dnt , it is all a joke . But what we can't do and repeat can't is get rid of the manager , we need this team to gel as it has the potential to gel , someone else comes in and wants all their players doesn't do us any good and we will never get the right combination . Let this group of fantastic players gel and we will be one of the best if not the best . Silva already looks like he is on some of the other players wavelengths and there are still ade and tev who started to link up well last year , vinnie and kolo playing well and gelling better than last year , barry and de jong knw each other well . We need consistency in the team we play otherwise it wont gel and we wnt succeed . When we gel we will be a force to be reckoned with CTID
I couldn't give a shit about what pundits, press or other fans say.
The team wont stay strangers for long and then we'll see them recant.
The only opinion in this, that counts, is mine!
If I was worried about what other people thought, then I wouldn't be a City fan.
I'd be one of those mewling, ignorant detritivores wearing a dark shade of pink
wandering around like a smug used tampon.

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