can this be challenged?

de niro said:
M24-CRC said:
Please elaborate on your 'stab in the dark'
Why have you arrived at the conclusion I may be young ?
Is this the only comeback you have when people dare to question your opinion with their own ?
question my opinion all you like, thats why we have the forum. as for the age thing i was meaning that i have seen this bias towards the rags since 1958, more so when they won the european cup(the proper one) in 68. so you'll forgive me for being slightly cynical when i see how much they are coverted and looked after in all walks of football.

my stab in the dark was you have'nt seen what i have seen as you posted a fair if not conservative view on the fixture debarcle
if you have been as annoyed and pissed off as long as i have you(and others) would not have posted in the manner that you have.

the prem, sky, refs and media fucking hate the scum coming second and will do all they can to avoid it.
some might say fuck me he's bitter but truth is i'm spot on. too many times fixtures have seen them ok, too many refs sucking up to fergie time, too many divers cheats and whingers make it more than coincidence. if you want proof look at fergiescums behaivour towards refs and the warnings he's had, have they carried out their threats? have they fuck.

Fair enough.......I'm obviously not as old as you but my first city game was in the mid 70's when i was a young nipper so I have seen the bias towards the rags for 35 years.......difference is I dont (well, not anymore) let it get to me like you.
I came to the conclusion years ago that I dont give two f*cks about them and never will. What they do or dont do, or what other parties do or dont do for them does not concern me.

Let people worry about us instead from now on.......
M24-CRC said:
de niro said:
question my opinion all you like, thats why we have the forum. as for the age thing i was meaning that i have seen this bias towards the rags since 1958, more so when they won the european cup(the proper one) in 68. so you'll forgive me for being slightly cynical when i see how much they are coverted and looked after in all walks of football.

my stab in the dark was you have'nt seen what i have seen as you posted a fair if not conservative view on the fixture debarcle
if you have been as annoyed and pissed off as long as i have you(and others) would not have posted in the manner that you have.

the prem, sky, refs and media fucking hate the scum coming second and will do all they can to avoid it.
some might say fuck me he's bitter but truth is i'm spot on. too many times fixtures have seen them ok, too many refs sucking up to fergie time, too many divers cheats and whingers make it more than coincidence. if you want proof look at fergiescums behaivour towards refs and the warnings he's had, have they carried out their threats? have they fuck.

Fair enough.......I'm obviously not as old as you but my first city game was in the mid 70's when i was a young nipper so I have seen the bias towards the rags for 35 years.......difference is I dont (well, not anymore) let it get to me like you.
I came to the conclusion years ago that I dont give two f*cks about them and never will. What they do or dont do, or what other parties do or dont do for them does not concern me.

Let people worry about us instead from now on.......

i wish i had your inner strength, i want them to fail and rot away in some lower league cesspit.
as you say its all about us now.
de niro said:
M24-CRC said:
Fair enough.......I'm obviously not as old as you but my first city game was in the mid 70's when i was a young nipper so I have seen the bias towards the rags for 35 years.......difference is I dont (well, not anymore) let it get to me like you.
I came to the conclusion years ago that I dont give two f*cks about them and never will. What they do or dont do, or what other parties do or dont do for them does not concern me.

Let people worry about us instead from now on.......

i wish i had your inner strength, i want them to fail and rot away in some lower league cesspit.
as you say its all about us now.

Dont get me wrong I agree with your cesspit wish but it just seems that some people on here are more concerned about them than they are city.
I hate them more than anything but whatever the FA or anyone else do just doesnt concern me anymore.
As I said, hopefully within the next 3-5 years it wouldnt matter what the FA or others do for them......they will forever be in our shadow

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