Can we cut Edin a break?

EaglesFan said:
By now it is OBVIOUS some people here just flat-out dislike Dzeko, mostly for non-football reasons (i.e. people saying he had a BAD game today).

We played 3 games, and have 7 points.

Dzeko has 2 goals in 3 games, one an equalizer and the other one for the lead today (and you could argue he played a great part in Skrtel's mistake turned in by Tevez)

You can dislike him all you want, but No Dzeko - and we could have 3 points (3 ties) in 3 games instead of 7.

So - can we cut the lad a fucking break??

Just saying - people need to get their head out their ass - you can dislike the player, but please have some sense and at least save it for when he struggles.

Sigh. This automatic assumption that anyone criticising Dzeko (or any other player come to that) must mean that they "hate" him, is utter excrement. I have been critical of Dzeko this season, but from a personal point of view I like the bloke. From watching his interviews and so forth he comes across as modest, likeable and, in terms of team spirit, a valued member of the squad. I want him to do well. However, levelling criticism on here does not mean I have my "head up my arse". I'm happy to acknowledge his strengths - taking up good goalscoring positions, bagging a few (all be they usually from 3 yards out) and half decent vision - but he also has significant weaknesses that perhaps show up more than they might were he at another club, because of the way we play. His first touch, and particularly with his back to goal, is garbage, and his finishing on the floor has been poor for months. Yesterday he contrived to pass the ball straight to the opposition no less than 9 times, twice resulting in dangerous counterattacks, stumbled into opponents with the ball stuck under his feet on 4 occasions, shanked a cross field pass 30 yards behind his intended target, under no pressure shanked a shot when clean through on the keeper 14 yards out, that was heading for the corner flag until Tevez diverted it in, and rolled the ball 10 feet wide of a gaping net from no more than 8 yards out, again under no pressure.
This is a forum for FFS, for discussing performance good and bad, not fucking Pravda where anything non State approved gets axed. All players make mistakes, I accept that, but the reason Dzeko's copping for it at the moment is because he looks noticeably lumbering and the mistakes are plentiful.
I personally don't think he's fully fit yet this season. He looks like he's put on a few pounds and that would explain why he seems like he's wading through treacle at times. He certainly doesn't look anywhere near as mobile or sharp for example as he did away at QPR in the reverse fixture last season, or indeed at Tottenham.
Oh, and for the last time, scoring a goal and having a poor game overall are not mutually exclusive possibilities.
Damocles said:
80s Shorts said:
Damocles said:
There's nothing to discuss. He's made a thread for the sole purpose of stopping people discussing the fact that Dzeko has poor control and passing. There is no point at all. Saying "he has 2 goals in 3 games" is daft because [/b]he missed a good 4 chances in there that another striker may have buried.[/b]People like to use ridiculous shit like "well, you just want to slag someone off", which is legitimately fucking stupid, because we've noted that he gives the ball away a lot and isn't a quick thinking as the rest of the team around him. To the non-City fans who are here solely to support Dzeko, this is the worst possible thing that has ever happened and they must make threads over and over and over to stop us from doing so.

Listen, this is not a place to worship your hero. It's a place where City fans come together to discuss their club and its players. Kolarov and Kolo Toure get a billion times more stick than Dzeko but where's their threads demanding that we stop pointing this out? We discuss the good and bad of all of our players and Dzeko is one of our players. If you hero worshippers cannot handle this, then I'll politely suggest that you find somewhere else to worship as this is not going to change

EDIT: I'm not talking directly to you, Dzeko's Right Boot, rather to the OP

How many has Balo missed that he should have scored this season.

One that I can recall. Is this somehow relevant?

You are herein identifying one of Edin's great strengths. How many good runs did he put in yesterday? The timing of the run for his goal was a lesson on how to make even an experienced defender look stupid. Yes, he is awkward and maybe his first touch won't ever be great, but what a luxury for City to have someone who even when not on top of his game, can get in so many scoring positions that he will score many really important goals.
If he ever clicks it will be truly scary for the rest of the League.
FantasyIreland said:
He had a few opportunities around the box that should have led to chances/shots but ultimately he miscontrolled them,he should also be creating more as Tevez and Aguero invariably do when things aren't laid on a plate.

No i wasn't at the game,i watched the game on a stream,i also saw tevez dribble the ball into blind alleys a few times and lose possession in good areas,i saw david Silva miss two very good chances at goal,one from about 2 yards out the other when clean through on goal,the point being it isn't only Dzeko that wastes goal chances and possession in good positions.

If Dzeko was played every game last season he would of scored more than RVP,in my opinion of course,the man is a goal scorer,he isn't a dribbler like Tevez,he doesn't have the mobility of an Aguero,but given the same amount of game time he would score as many if not more goals than both of them.
Phuket Blue said:
Damocles said:
80s Shorts said:
How many has Balo missed that he should have scored this season.

One that I can recall. Is this somehow relevant?

You are herein identifying one of Edin's great strengths. How many good runs did he put in yesterday? The timing of the run for his goal was a lesson on how to make even an experienced defender look stupid. Yes, he is awkward and maybe his first touch won't ever be great, but what a luxury for City to have someone who even when not on top of his game, can get in so many scoring positions that he will score many really important goals.
If he ever clicks it will be truly scary for the rest of the League.

I said it earlier in the thread. Look at the videos of the first few games of last season, they will show you how he looks at his best. Comfortable on the ball, powerful in the air, great first touch and scoring for fun. He's a confidence player who's low on confidence, simple as that.
royle said:
FantasyIreland said:
He had a few opportunities around the box that should have led to chances/shots but ultimately he miscontrolled them,he should also be creating more as Tevez and Aguero invariably do when things aren't laid on a plate.

No i wasn't at the game,i watched the game on a stream,i also saw tevez dribble the ball into blind alleys a few times and lose possession in good areas,i saw david Silva miss two very good chances at goal,one from about 2 yards out the other when clean through on goal,the point being it isn't only Dzeko that wastes goal chances and possession in good positions.

If Dzeko was played every game last season he would of scored more than RVP,in my opinion of course,the man is a goal scorer,he isn't a dribbler like Tevez,he doesn't have the mobility of an Aguero,but given the same amount of game time he would score as many if not more goals than both of them.
If Dzeko had played evey game last season we would not be champions.
The cookie monster said:
WNRH said:
I thought Dzeko played well yesterday, got a deserved goal and an assist for Tevez.

Hope he starts v Stoke.
He will.
I doubt he will.

I think we will play 451 with Garcia, Yaya and Rodwell. (all 6' 2" plus)
My 6 year old son yesterday said...

'Is he always offside?'

Nuff said!

And to the bloke behind me who asked 'how can he be offside'... Its cause he was stood about a foot in front of the defender!
Some people watch the ball and only the ball, others see the wider picture, Edin pulls defenders all over the pitch, and still makes space to be in position to finish if the ball arrives.
What he offers is different to Sergio and Tevez in that he also offers an aerial threat, but wont close down as much.
Mario is a very talented player that can learn a lot from training with Edin, Carlos AND Sergio, we are going to have a LOT of big games, so why not just SUPPORT ALL OUR PLAYERS?
law74 said:
Some people watch the ball and only the ball, others see the wider picture, Edin pulls defenders all over the pitch, and still makes space to be in position to finish if the ball arrives.
What he offers is different to Sergio and Tevez in that he also offers an aerial threat, but wont close down as much.
Mario is a very talented player that can learn a lot from training with Edin, Carlos AND Sergio, we are going to have a LOT of big games, so why not just SUPPORT ALL OUR PLAYERS?
Everyone is supported, but when a player does something poor in a match are we not allowed to highlight it?

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