Can We Talk About Away Fans?

I didn't go on Sunday but i've been to most away games this season and in the majority of them, i've heard a Munich reference at some point in the day. It's usually just 1 or 2 pissed up idiots, who are usually, but not exclusively, barely old enough to drink and it more often than not just gets drowned out by something else fairly quickly but it's a fairly regular thing in my experience. The thing is, most of those that sing these songs and use the Munich word do so purely as a derogatory term for United, i don't think most of them even think about what they are actually saying, and do it just because they've picked up on it over the years from the older generation, you'll probably find them use the word gay in a negative manner too. They don't really mean it, but it's something they've become accustomed to and are ultimately going to pass on to the next generation.That's not me offering an excuse for our fans by the way, but i think a lot of them just need to realise what they are actually singing about when they choose to join in. Bans need to be handed out for anybody that can be identified in that video,

Again, Not to in any way excuse our fans, but i've heard there was a good few united fans singing a song about Foe dying as well? I've heard that song at derby matches in the past but it's never mentioned anywhere. it feels like i can't really say this, especially not to a united fan but in my eyes United fans are too precious regarding the Munich stuff, It's a moronic thing to do, yes, and people should be punished for it but it in reality has no real impact on the united fans. Most of them weren't born when it happened, they've no recollection of it and they've no links to it other than it happened to the club they watch on tv every week so why do they choose to be so outraged by it? They should just pity the sad few individuals that sing it and ignore it.
Here we go again.

It is matter how much we detest the rags we must not abuse them by singing about Munich.

Take all the moral and decency arguments away and simply have the view that it makes us look like them; horrible twats AND our owners don't like it as it embarrasses our great club.


deafmanstevo said:
The Northern Baptist said:
Scaring Europe to Death said:
Before the game, i was thinking to myself, that I won't bother again. There's too many unsavoury, loathsome characters, hanging on the periphery, looking for a cheap punch.

I've been doing the swamp derby regularly for almost 40 years, and win, lose, or draw, I simply hate the club, the kit, the fans, the numerous dickheads, their obsession with size, the tourists, the way that City fans are treated, the self appointed celebrities like Colin Blaney, the way they rewrote the George Best story, and most of all those hypocritical clowns playing the holier than thou card when it comes to the Munich chants.
Also, it must be the only ground in the country where the away fans are completely surrounded by the home fans.
I left when it went 4-1 and I won't be returning.

Definitely. They loiter about 15-20m from the back of the queue of blues waiting to get in looking to give out snide kicks and digs, spotted them a mile off on Sunday.

Been there 6 times now, but Sunday was the first time I was wary of them because I took my 14yr old cousin. A man on his own and a 14yr old lad is their PRIME TARGET for a dig.

i didnt go on sunday so cant comment, but have been going their on and off the last 10 years, but what makes me laugh
is utd fans in the k stand when trying to goad us to sing munich they outsretch their arms low at first that makes them look like demented penguins rather than a plane, but gain a bit of confidence when other utd fans have a good chuckle at them so they raise their arms higher to obviously resemble a plane.

maybe City fans should sing back "utd fans in the k stand are impersonating a plane ,what the fuck is that all about"

i agree that the munich chants are out of order, plays right into utds hands, and remember one of our greats died in that crash. The legend Frank Swift

Good post. We all agree the Munich chants are out of order.

Also, I am getting a bit sick of the dogooders on here whingeing about a few pissed up Blues. Get in touch with the swamp and complain about the rag scum mocking their history with their aeroplane gestures.
Munich chants don't do us any favours and are wrong. Munich made united the size of club they are. I know a rag home and away supporter who was a wolves fan from Manchester because they had Billy Wright and were the best team in England at the time. He changed his allegiance because of the crash. But on Sunday for every blue doing the aeroplane gesture ( i saw 2) there were twenty rags doing the same. In the past at the Etihad the press have shown images of this gesture and criticized city fans when the fans doing it were in the away section. On Sunday the chanting started on the coach park about 3/4 of an hour after the game. The only rags who would have seen / heard it were the ones taunting the city fans and trying to cause trouble, hardly people who were going to be offended. Not right but not as wrong as being viewed on the video.
lancs blue said:
M18CTID said:
No excuse for the Munich stuff of course.

One thing that makes me laugh every year about that place though is the rent-a-mob that stand outside the away turnstiles goading the City fans and the police not moving the fuckers on. I can't think of another ground in the country where that goes on, or would even be allowed. While it doesn't intimidate me too much and usually results in me laughing at the sad mouth-foaming twats, I can imagine it's pretty nerve-racking for some of our more vulnerable fans.

GMP are fucking pathetic, it wouldn't be that difficult to do the same as at the Etihad and re-route those home fans coming from the East stand away from the coach park but no, they'd rather just stand around gormlessly doing fuck all until someone gets a beating.

Agreed. It's an issue at the end of the game for sure but I was referring more to beforehand and them giving it large as they're making their way to the tunnel that leads to the South Stand and Stretford End. I understand that the location of the away turnstiles makes it nigh on impossible for there to be no contact between both sets of fans but the way the GMP just allow them to effectively "mob up" and goad/incite the City fans as they're merely making their way to the turnstiles instead of telling them to move on is ridiculous. It happens every year without fail and the only way to avoid it is to get into the ground mega early before they've started to congregate. I'm all for a bit of banter and a sing-off with the sad twats but the behaviour from some of them goes way beyond that with sly digs at easy targets, etc.
If anyone can remember The sight of the young city girl slapping the goading rag, as he was filming the away entrance at Trafford season before last on you tube was the funniest video I've ever seen?
A couple of obvious red twats stinking the place out in this thread. Let me point out that if I was to follow a few of your 'brave in numbers' away following in the pubs and the concourse up at Anfield, I'd bet my house you'd get the odd Hillsborough chants being sung. Shit happens.
M18CTID said:
lancs blue said:
M18CTID said:
No excuse for the Munich stuff of course.

One thing that makes me laugh every year about that place though is the rent-a-mob that stand outside the away turnstiles goading the City fans and the police not moving the fuckers on. I can't think of another ground in the country where that goes on, or would even be allowed. While it doesn't intimidate me too much and usually results in me laughing at the sad mouth-foaming twats, I can imagine it's pretty nerve-racking for some of our more vulnerable fans.

GMP are fucking pathetic, it wouldn't be that difficult to do the same as at the Etihad and re-route those home fans coming from the East stand away from the coach park but no, they'd rather just stand around gormlessly doing fuck all until someone gets a beating.

Agreed. It's an issue at the end of the game for sure but I was referring more to beforehand and them giving it large as they're making their way to the tunnel that leads to the South Stand and Stretford End. I understand that the location of the away turnstiles makes it nigh on impossible for there to be no contact between both sets of fans but the way the GMP just allow them to effectively "mob up" and goad/incite the City fans as they're merely making their way to the turnstiles instead of telling them to move on is ridiculous. It happens every year without fail and the only way to avoid it is to get into the ground mega early before they've started to congregate. I'm all for a bit of banter and a sing-off with the sad twats but the behaviour from some of them goes way beyond that with sly digs at easy targets, etc.

God knows how they got a safety certificate because the location of the away end creates a natural bottleneck of seething tension.
M18CTID said:
lancs blue said:
M18CTID said:
No excuse for the Munich stuff of course.

One thing that makes me laugh every year about that place though is the rent-a-mob that stand outside the away turnstiles goading the City fans and the police not moving the fuckers on. I can't think of another ground in the country where that goes on, or would even be allowed. While it doesn't intimidate me too much and usually results in me laughing at the sad mouth-foaming twats, I can imagine it's pretty nerve-racking for some of our more vulnerable fans.

GMP are fucking pathetic, it wouldn't be that difficult to do the same as at the Etihad and re-route those home fans coming from the East stand away from the coach park but no, they'd rather just stand around gormlessly doing fuck all until someone gets a beating.

Agreed. It's an issue at the end of the game for sure but I was referring more to beforehand and them giving it large as they're making their way to the tunnel that leads to the South Stand and Stretford End. I understand that the location of the away turnstiles makes it nigh on impossible for there to be no contact between both sets of fans but the way the GMP just allow them to effectively "mob up" and goad/incite the City fans as they're merely making their way to the turnstiles instead of telling them to move on is ridiculous. It happens every year without fail and the only way to avoid it is to get into the ground mega early before they've started to congregate. I'm all for a bit of banter and a sing-off with the sad twats but the behaviour from some of them goes way beyond that with sly digs at easy targets, etc.


I was stood with the City fans waiting to get into the ground. For some reason I didn't film what was going on, but I should have. If it wasn't for the 3 lines of Police, including Police on horses,(and stewards) it would have been mayhem. Thousands of United fans were slowly making there way to the Streford End, with the majority goading, pushing there way forward, bouncing up and down, giving it the big one, and trying to get to the City fans. Old and young, it didn't matter. Coins were being thrown as well. As the kick off got closer more and more pissed up United fans were coming from the pubs, and off Sir Matt Busby way. Couldn't really see the back of the queue, as it began snaking on to the forecourt, but it looked as if there was some jostling and trouble going on.

As others have stated, it's the same every year. Basically GMP give United fans a licence to do as they please as there's no proper segregation between the fans in that area.(It must happen against Liverpool as well) Compare and contrast that to the holding pen and hoolie barriers at the Etihad.(I appreciate there's more space) But there's absolutely no reason why GMP and United can't put a tall-long- thin-metal barrier along the full length of the away end, where the away fans queue up. There's definitely enough space. That would keep both sets of fans apart. Yet every season City fans are forced to run the gauntlet of United fans hell bent on causing trouble before the match. No doubt it will be the same next season.

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