
DruntBlunt said:
Psychological vs physical addiction is a mute point. It is just as painful and it all boils down to chemistry anyway (receptor substances in the brain). Heroin and nicotine are physically addictive, but ask any alcoholic how easy it is to quit drinking.

Maybe but if push comes to shove I'd rather kick a psychological addiction than a physical one.

Aphex said:
Well I didn't know that. Heroin is decimating tho, a lad I used to know died yesterday. 39 years old. I saw him about 6 months ago and he looked like an albino. Sounds odd but that's the only way I can describe it. 20 years of smack.

Yeah smacks horrible in that the bad outweighs the good whereas with most other stuff it's the other way round. Opiates are nice though, that's the problem, they're just nice.
DruntBlunt said:
Psychological vs physical addiction is a mute point. It is just as painful and it all boils down to chemistry anyway (receptor substances in the brain). Heroin and nicotine are physically addictive, but ask any alcoholic how easy it is to quit drinking.

You become physically addicted to alcohol. I believe heroine/opiates, benzo's, and alcohol are the only "drugs" to be physically addictive.

I have weed shirts because they embarrass my wife in public, and because I love weed. I don't have any weed tattoos yet , although i tried getting an octopus smoking a j but the tattooer wasn't happy with how it came out so it's just an octopus smoking an old man pipe, I suppose I would wear other pro drug gear in hopes it'd take the stigma off of doing that drug but I haven't really seen any.

Edit:hit submit too quick .. I just think if someone is going to fuck up their life they're going to do it. No doubt drugs and alcohol ruin lives but I've seen scratch off tickets, xbox , and shopping ruin just as much. People with that type of personality need to be careful.
Love a few spliffs on the weekend but wouldn't dream of wearing a T-shirt with a ganja leaf on it. Mainly because I'd rather people not know I smoke it if possible (work, family etc.). I don't hide the fact I like a smoke but why advertise it?
was discussing this with the wife yesterday. Having spent a few years as a bona fide stoner going about my daily activities trying to not appear stoned and avoid bringing attention to myself I don't understand the popularity of wearing a leaf!
Been loads of posts about me and my ex

I had smoked a few joints before moving to London more out of thinking it was cool and joining in more than the high or buzz. She told me when I moved over that her 2 sons 15 and 19 smoked cannabis (skunk). She didn't say to what extent.

The youngest had been hooked by his father at 13 and hadn't been to school since 13. Due to divorce and moving house 3 times got lost in the system and it wasn't chased up.

Not sure if physical or psychological but he was addicted (both were). The youngest didn't leave home for 2 years. I mean didn't even go out the front gate. We had a little English terrier and if the dog went further than the gate the boy (Tom) rang his mum to say the dog was out and she left work came home, got dog in then went back to work.

He never ate, stayed at home playing playstation etc 24 7, we had rows and once pulled knife on me, when I didn't back down rang his father to get me shot.

Him and older brother both admitted they had anger management issues and they needed help, the younger even going to a counsellor when he was 19.

Came home from work loads of times to find windows smashed, doors with holes punched and kicked holes in. Once after few days away even had car wrecked - eldest had driven it with no license or insurance (she just sold it for scrap rather than get him into trouble).

Eldest was caught with some and had to appear on Croydon court, I went with him rather than being on his own, he asked me to hold his shit in case he got searched on way in (told him to fuck off).

All they did all day was smoke at home, got so bad that the neighbours of our semi detached house knocked and complained that the smell was going through the roofspace from ours to theirs.

These are just a few of the stories every one true and loads more.

All part of her debt and us splitting up is in my opinion down to that and her being too weak to stand up to them.

After 12 years I had had enough and we split up as I couldn't handle it anymore. I still love her and always will, we still meet for coffee but until she is free of them we will never be together.
lostmyhouseski said:
was discussing this with the wife yesterday. Having spent a few years as a bona fide stoner going about my daily activities trying to not appear stoned and avoid bringing attention to myself I don't understand the popularity of wearing a leaf!
a bona fide stoner - do you think you're addicted to cannabis?
ob said:
The youngest had been hooked by his father at 13 and hadn't been to school since 13. Due to divorce and moving house 3 times got lost in the system and it wasn't chased up.

That's a worst case scenario.

13 year old kids aren't meant to be taking drugs.

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