Cantona's Manchester derby prog - tonight ITV 10.30ish

"We've got a song for Eric based on Lilly the Pink",Boyle you're a wanker of the highest order.

We'll drink a drink to Colin The King He's the leader of Man City

Read this you red twat and get your own songs prick.


Love to knee cap that cnut.
Is Cantona the only person to have been convicted of a criminal offence committed while he was playing for a Manchester area club?
I had not read this thread before I watched the documentary so I was not particularly disappointed with what I saw. I expected a programme about the Manchester derby presented by Cantona to be extremely one-sided and if truth be told it was actually quite a bit more balanced than I had expected it to be. I was interested to hear the players (Giggs and Cantona at least) and even Taggart himself actually saying how much this derby means to their fans. I was also quite impressed that it focused on the Manchester derby at all, given what Taggart has been saying for years about Liverpool. It is interesting that the ITV executives who wanted to feature the rags/dippers game were actually taken in by all the ‘we’re not bothered about City, they are not our real rivals’ mind games, and yet the programme they eventually made shows Fergie’s mind games to be exactly that.

What amazes me is that from what Gary James says, the editors have actually gone out of their way to adapt the original french programme to make it more United friendly – eg airbrushing out our success and their failures in the 10 years after they won the European cup and rewriting the history of the birth of the two clubs to make United look older. (Did everyone else find that frankly pathetic? I don’t have a problem with them screening some idiot saying ‘that’s the biggest council house in the world’, because let’s face it we don’t think much of the swamp either, but ignoring inconvenient facts turns this from a documentary into a piece of fiction. ) In other words, some prick at ITV has decided to change the editorial slant of the programme. Why? Who gives a shit. I’ve got more important things to worry about.

So to the blues who were in the programme last night, it is good to hear that you took part in a programme which was fair and balanced and informative and not simply a 30 minute advert for the rags. It’s just a shame they didn’t show that programme last night.
'the 3 years difference in birth (is factually inaccurate)'

Gary, if possible please could you clarify this as wikepedia isn't specific ? Thanks.
hey all
long time no speak!

Just wanted all to know i did not know this documantray was going to be so biased when i agreed to it! They told me it was following the rivalry between and city and united and the history of the clubs.

I have a copy of the version that was shown round the world and that is a far better and equal watch.

I get the feeling most of my interview was cut from this version as it involved me bascially slagging the scum off and that was not what they wanted in this itv red version. I did not get to meet cantona, as i think unlike the other lady on the show i wouldnt have been as nice to him!!

anyway just made me want to stuff them 2mos more than ever!

Is this Natalie? If so where do you sit?!?
conormcfc said:
hey all
long time no speak!

Just wanted all to know i did not know this documantray was going to be so biased when i agreed to it! They told me it was following the rivalry between and city and united and the history of the clubs.

I have a copy of the version that was shown round the world and that is a far better and equal watch.

I get the feeling most of my interview was cut from this version as it involved me bascially slagging the scum off and that was not what they wanted in this itv red version. I did not get to meet cantona, as i think unlike the other lady on the show i wouldnt have been as nice to him!!

anyway just made me want to stuff them 2mos more than ever!

Is this Natalie? If so where do you sit?!?

or live? (joke!)
'I write the lyrics for the songs, i wrote this song to the tune of lily the pink, blah blah fucking blah you RAG shite'.

Was seething when he was spouting this.
I txt my red mate when Boyle said that about 'the King' song, and he replied along the lines of "we don't listen to him anymore anyway, he's in bed with the Glazers".

Seems a lot of reds don't like him either.
Did I spot Adam Teese?

Fair play, I nearly smashed the screen when that 'songwriter' guy was spouting his shit.

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