dazdon said:
If I were to commit a crime against another country I would expect to face trial in that country,the mad cleric used our protection to try to hurt the US and the coalition.
Thats the crux of the matter.
But how can you commit a crime when you are not in the country whose laws you break?
I find this a fundamental democratic right. You live by the laws you are directly governed by, not by some random laws from another distinct country.
As i said i think Hamza is an odious man who i would rather didnt live in our country as i expect 99.99999% of people do, yet i find the granting of his extradition disturbing. US law is setting precedents in UK law. The way our law works means this case will make it easier for others to be extradited for crimes against a country they have never been to too.
Im not a lawyer obviously, but it worries me