Car driving standards

I was coming from Chester towards Manchester recently. There was a driver doing 40 in the second lane of two, Junction 15 joining the M56. When he reached the M56, he drove straight into the middle lane, causing the vehicle in that lane to take evasive action. Then he continued at 60ish (maybe slower) in that lane, causing everyone to drive around him on both sides.

Questions that came to mind.

1. How has this person passed a driving test?
2. Is it acceptable for other drivers to undertake in these circumstances?
3. If anyone has dashcam footage, is it possible to report the driver so that action can be taken?
4. Has anyone in similar circumstances gone in front of the bad driver and slowed down in order to force him out of the middle lane? I'm often inclined to do this, but my wife would go crazy!

To report instances I think you can use the 101 number or website.
I hate it out there driving these days, absolute clowns everytime I'm out, I am pretty old school I suppose, passing my test in 1988 at 17, but fuck me whether it's on motorway or around the streets it's a rat race, I like putting my foot down like but you have to be so wary these days it's scary at times.
I used to get more worked up about shit drivers. I found giving myself a bit more room to the car in front meant that I relaxed as I have more time to react to lunatics. Even when cars cut in, just hang back a bit more and it helps me.

To report instances I think you can use the 101 number or website.
Jus be aware that if you do submit dashcam footage to the police, some forces do require a clip of (I think) up to 2 minutes before and after the incident, not just a 30 second clip of the incident itself. Most dashcams have an option to record 30 seconds, 1 minute or more, so make sure you check that before an incident occurs.

So, be very aware of your own driving when doing so, as you're also giving the police evidence of your own driving and a contact number to get hold of you if they find fault.
I was coming from Chester towards Manchester recently. There was a driver doing 40 in the second lane of two, Junction 15 joining the M56. When he reached the M56, he drove straight into the middle lane, causing the vehicle in that lane to take evasive action. Then he continued at 60ish (maybe slower) in that lane, causing everyone to drive around him on both sides.

Questions that came to mind.

1. How has this person passed a driving test?
2. Is it acceptable for other drivers to undertake in these circumstances?
3. If anyone has dashcam footage, is it possible to report the driver so that action can be taken?
4. Has anyone in similar circumstances gone in front of the bad driver and slowed down in order to force him out of the middle lane? I'm often inclined to do this, but my wife would go crazy!
In answer to No 4...not a good idea. There is clearly a driver with no confidance who shouldn't be in that situation, doing something like that would be dangerous to other road users to say the least. Best to over take when possible and fuck off rather sharpish.
30 something years ago I was a traffic policeman - believe me, there were enough bad drivers then to keep us busy. Many of them are now FOC's and have added a lifetimes bad habits to whatever they were doing in those days.

So, I don't think driving standards have dropped - however, our roads are busier, our cars bigger and full of driving aids that I'm not convinced really help us to pay attention - it's just a host beeps, blips and virtual instructions that can create even more confusion. And the safety standard of modern cars mean that the consequence of bad driving are less severe (5,217 deaths in 1990, 1695 in 2022 according to Wikipedia).

And I also find driving less enjoyable than I did, it's a way of getting from A to B with the odd nice surprise of finding an empty country road to enjoy and remind myself of advanced driving techniques. Much prefer the bus and train when I can find one that is available and convenient.
Re Driver 'aids.'
A misnomer if ever there was one.
Where to start?
Well that screen in front of the centre console is a good place to start. It is a thing which seems to have to justify its' existence.
One example - air con.
What was easier than turning a couple of control knobs to alter the temperature and airflow?
Now there is an extra step or two to take before you can perform that simple task.
It seems that the screens are only there to over complicate and confuse things.
Another, potentially dangerous thing, is wheen you aree travelling along a motorway or A road and it crosses another road (via bridge or underpass) and the car suddenly makes an unexpected brake application for a more severe restriction which applies to the OTHER road. You have to be alert as to what is happening or there is a risk of something colliding wwith the rear of your car.
I was on the M27 this morning (fucking hate every second of it) I witnessed an HGV move into the left hand lane without bothering to use the indicators.

A stretch of the M27 is 4 lanes and currently down to 50 mph. Two HGVs were over in the 3rd lane in a convoy.

For some reason you expect dickheads in cars, but not in giant trucks.
Go anywhere in rush hour and we see the roads rammed with shit drivers all rushing to get in front of the car in front. I rarely hit the roads at peak times but do drive a lot in the quieter periods and it's nowhere near as bad.
Out for 30 minutes this morning and saw 3 work vans go through red lights………also drivers pulling away from lights on amber rather than waiting for green light……pisses me right off
Start work at 6am just to avoid rush hour and either work late or finish before 4 to avoid it again, some absolute bellends out there. Weekends are worse, no chance I've driving round ready to lamp some ****.

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