Carlos hands in transfer request

ayrshire_blue said:
TFC said:
When I first heard the news, I thought he asda be fucking joking.

edit - some one did asda ;)

Tesco back to Argentina then you twat. :P

I just wish he could co-op with the executives and get on with his job tbh.
To be honest guys there is clearly 'mor risons' then just the family thing
Not sure what's going on with his head...he's trying to make out he's sain bury's not fooling me.

I'll get me coat...
Marvin said:
Neil McNab said:
I remember before we signed Tevez, people on here saying he wouldn't go down south because his kids were settled in a local school, well that was a crock of shit wasn't it.
It seem he's been playing for us under duress for some time, Cook/Marwood seem to be the people who've kept him here and the ones he's fallen out with. What makes sense to me is the hypothetical situation that his missus will return with the brats if he's playing in a warm, dry spannish speaking country. A royal pain in the arse for city but not of Carlos's making.
The important thing for city fans is that Mancini hasn't pushed Tevez into this action. Tevez leaving in the summer I'm sure could have been done to the satisfaction of both sides but it looks likes Cook has read this wrong and responded in the wrong way!
if you believe what's been posted on here, and the recent history of events this was engineered by the player's camp.

Do you seriously believe he was forced into leaving because his relationship with club executives had broken down? And if they ahd broken down, why would that be? because we hadn't offered the terms he claimed he didn't want. There are so many holes in Joorabchian's statements that I don't even think he is trying that hard. He must be deliberately trying to bring matters to a head, alienate everyone and get his player out of the club and a cut of some transfer. If he's trying to win a pr war, he's fighting the most stupid campaign in history and should go and work for the Liberal Democrats
Who said he's being forced out, Tevez wants to move to spain and persuade his ex to move there (she's as pig ignorant as him and hasn't learnt the lingo either) and he's wanted this since the summer. Cook/Marwood got Kia to persuade Tevez to stay, Tevez is pissed, goes and chucks in his transfer request, the club try to put a "he's after more dough" spin on it. I doubt we'd have had any bother from he gimp if his missus and brats were still good old Cheshire. I can understand why the club tried to keep hold of him and I can understand why Tevez wants to move. What I cant understand is why the club can't believe Tevez's motives. To us he seems really unhinged but to get like that Cook/Marwood must have been taking a tough negotiating stance to what they thought was a money issue. I wonder if the failed Rooney/Torres bids were his chance to be granted a Jan move. I really do think money has nothing to do with this at all.
The timing of this announcement seems a bit too convenient for my liking. Carlos has said that he wanted to leave in the summer, but Kia Joorabchian talked him out of it (or something along those lines).
I'm beginning to wonder if Kia told him to wait until the ever important Xmas period came, and if we are in a good position in the table(which we obviously are), then spring this request on us in the hopes that it will make the club offer him more money so it wouldn't disrupt anything?

I sincerely hope his intentions aren't financially driven, because I genuinely like Tevez, but as it's been said in this thread a couple of hundred times already, no player is bigger than the club. Also, I hope the club can work something out with him because buying another player to replace him and then waiting for him to adapt and gel with the team is just something I don't think we can afford to do (the buying part we can obviously afford, just not the waiting). CTID
BermudaBlue said:
The timing of this announcement seems a bit too convenient for my liking. Carlos has said that he wanted to leave in the summer, but Kia Joorabchian talked him out of it (or something along those lines).
I'm beginning to wonder if Kia told him to wait until the ever important Xmas period came, and if we are in a good position in the table(which we obviously are), then spring this request on us in the hopes that it will make the club offer him more money so it wouldn't disrupt anything?

I sincerely hope his intentions aren't financially driven, because I genuinely like Tevez, but as it's been said in this thread a couple of hundred times already, no player is bigger than the club. Also, I hope the club can work something out with him because buying another player to replace him and then waiting for him to adapt and gel with the team is just something I don't think we can afford to do (the buying part we can obviously afford, just not the waiting). CTID
Isn't the timing just because we're approaching a transfer window rather than holding us to ransom at Christmas!
Neil McNab said:
Marvin said:
if you believe what's been posted on here, and the recent history of events this was engineered by the player's camp.

Do you seriously believe he was forced into leaving because his relationship with club executives had broken down? And if they ahd broken down, why would that be? because we hadn't offered the terms he claimed he didn't want. There are so many holes in Joorabchian's statements that I don't even think he is trying that hard. He must be deliberately trying to bring matters to a head, alienate everyone and get his player out of the club and a cut of some transfer. If he's trying to win a pr war, he's fighting the most stupid campaign in history and should go and work for the Liberal Democrats
Who said he's being forced out, Tevez wants to move to spain and persuade his ex to move there (she's as pig ignorant as him and hasn't learnt the lingo either) and he's wanted this since the summer. Cook/Marwood got Kia to persuade Tevez to stay, Tevez is pissed, goes and chucks in his transfer request, the club try to put a "he's after more dough" spin on it. I doubt we'd have had any bother from he gimp if his missus and brats were still good old Cheshire. I can understand why the club tried to keep hold of him and I can understand why Tevez wants to move. What I cant understand is why the club can't believe Tevez's motives. To us he seems really unhinged but to get like that Cook/Marwood must have been taking a tough negotiating stance to what they thought was a money issue. I wonder if the failed Rooney/Torres bids were his chance to be granted a Jan move. I really do think money has nothing to do with this at all.

She is in Argentina with her family and so are Tevez's.

I doubt the whole lot of them want to move to Spain and that his children will uproot just because of the climate and language scenario.

Of course his "partner" cannot be assured he will not stray again and once kids are involved its far more complicated and difficult for things to return to how they were.

This is just the way Tevez is , if things don't go his way his solution is to walk away from the situation.

He has made a number of mistakes and he has to grow up and learn from them.

A change is as good if not better than a holiday syndrome is what he suffers from and it doesn't address his problems and how to fix them or better cope with them.

He may not like the weather in England , he may not be able to communicate effectively with many others at the club but I guarantee a move to Spain will not give him peace of mind or alter his personal life for the better.

If he wants to be the father he really says he wants to be for his children he is better off becoming a house husband in Argentina as such and or play out his days there.

If wouldn't matter if we catered to his every whim , he would still find a reason to be pissed off with someone or something and want a change sooner rather than later.

I don't buy this crap about a breakdown with Executives line for one second.

If he wanted out of England long ago as it seems his agent should have engineered a deal long ago to ensure this happened.

Until he matures and becomes a professional off the field I can guarantee he won't give any club more than two years service before wanted out.
This is what happens when you sign an ex rag.... if they played for them at any time they must be morons. This will pull the team together and could be the catylist for us to go on and win the league. Do not play him again and wait for the 60 mil., We dont need the money but we do need some players with integrity.
My greatest concern is for that City fan who will soon appear in the NOTW, lamenting the fact that for a bet entered into during a stag night some little time ago, he had "Tevez" tatooed up his member.

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