Carlos Tevez Interview Translated

danburge82 said:
Half of everything he has a problem with in life wouldn't be there if he'd kept his fucking dick in his kecks and stayed faithful to his wife. So really I don't feel sorry for him one bit.

Also what's with his demand for challenging for the title in his first year? We were miles away from being a title challenging team then. Is he that shirt sighted that he couldn't understand that? Or was he merely pointing out that Hughes' signings were shit even though he blatently showed Mancini who he preferred of the two when Hughes came back to City with Fulham last season.

Don't fall for the soppy stuff! I haven't! Many others have, hook line and sinker!

Someone above even thinks it's always hot and sunny in Argentina and that Manchester's weather must be hard for Carlos. It's about 8 degrees and raining in the Winter, so I don't know where you think Argentina is?!?!

Plus Manchester - although a small city - has fucking shit loads to do. And there are dozens of great restaurants to eat in, dozens!

-- Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:18 am --

mcfclovin said:
SeanJason said:
Dude is just lazy. He could care less. I think English is easier to learn than most languages.

quite the opposite actually, it's probably the hardest language to learn.
Slavic languages and Oriental languages are infinately more difficult to learn than English. My Polish mate says that of the four languages he speaks English was piss easy to learn. He also said that English people speak as if we're thick. As in the slang is used so much that the actual proper words that he's learnt he can't use as he'd sound like too much of an intelectual. I laughed and said he was spot on with that one!

That is utter bollocks. First of all there is no such thing as 'Oriental' languages- Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai etc are all completely unrelated to one another- unlike most of the languages of Europe which are all fundamentally related. Secondly, there is no absolute scale of how difficult languages are to learn, it all depends on what you speak already and how closely related it is to the language you're trying to learn. If you speak a Germanic language (like English, German, Dutch etc) then of course learning a Slavic language (eg Russian, Polish, Czech) will be quite difficult, but if you already speak a Slavic language, then learning another will be easier in comparison. And the bit about too much slang being used in English is so wrong I don't know where to begin.
Dear Carlos,
I live in a place almost 1000 miles away from Manchester, the closest I've been for around 15 years - I go where the work is. My wife is another 4000 miles away, I haven't seen her since February. I talk to her every day via Skype, I'll never see such money as you have in your arse pocket. When I get an opportunity to go home I find that I, and my wife, love the little things in life, whether that is in Manchester or Dalian (that's in China), we love it. To put it another way make the most of it mate, you only get one go at life.
dxbroy said:
Dear Carlos,
I live in a place almost 1000 miles away from Manchester, the closest I've been for around 15 years - I go where the work is. My wife is another 4000 miles away, I haven't seen her since February. I talk to her every day via Skype.

Mate don't worry about your wife, she's fine. I must admit it does piss me off when I have to go into the other room while she's on the skype.

Tevez interview but not translated :D

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