Carragher getting abuse again

The thing is when we stop at a services as a set of fans and see a bus of Rags or Scousers, we get a bit of abuse hurled at us from time-to-time.

None of us are working, playing, we’re just on our way home.

The reactions of us are always pretty similar to what Carragher did.

It’s a bit of a non-story really.
Tom you seem preoccupied by the notion of hardness. You don’t know if these lads were snowflakes or had an ex special forces member sat amongst them so let’s put that notion aside.

Spitting at a child crosses a line regardless of how unspeakably awful the child’s dad is

Thomas, can I just confirm, is this is a parody account?

Are you the Jeremy Clarkson to @gordondaviesmoustache 's Hyacinth Bucket?
Very disappointing.

I mean, those city fans are obviously doing it wrong.

What you’re supposed to do is lie in wait, and have hundreds of imbeciles ambush his vehicle by launching flares and bottles at it whilst simultaneously jumping all over the marked vehicles of onlooking police officers.
I am angry and disappointed that Sky have re-engaged him. His behaviour was unprofessional at best and disgustingly disgraceful at best. I am strongly considering cancelling my sky sports subscription and if I did I would happily renew it when they sacked him. A few thousand viewers all do the same and Sky would hopefully consider whether he is worth the investment.

I just cannot stand the thought of someone who has had such a privilidged life and lifestyle can be so well rewarded for such hideous behaviour.
Ha. Christ.
There’s a difference between defending Carragher and describing scrotey scumbags accurately as scrotey scumbags.

Ps, are you a do-badder?
No not a do badder at all mate, I like to think I'm a decent citizen in society.

If I was there I would have been a do bladder.

And filled filled my empty can up with frothy golden liquid to launch at the Scouse ****.

No need to abuse him with swearwords; )
No not a do badder at all mate, I like to think I'm a decent citizen in society.

If I was there I would have been a do bladder.

And filled a filled my empty can up with frothy golden liquid to launch at the Scouse ****.

No need to abuse him with swearwords; )
Fair play. Would take me ten minutes to piss in a car full of mates.

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