Celtic fans last night

popes11 said:
who are you lot to decide wether or not Celtic should have a poppy on there shirt. Get your facts right, Celtic fans are not complaining about ww1 and ww2, it is the fact that evey team in britain is being forced to put a poppy on their tops when britain is involved in illegal wars in iraq and afghanistan not to mention dragging their heels in Northern Ireland. I and many other Celtic do not want this symbol of british imperialism on our strips. As for booing british soldiers at tynecastle, you are having a laugh. I was at game and can tell you, there where no soldiers at the game, none what so ever so again get your facts right.

What a wanker you are
Young_TomO said:
popes11 said:
who are you lot to decide wether or not Celtic should have a poppy on there shirt. Get your facts right, Celtic fans are not complaining about ww1 and ww2, it is the fact that evey team in britain is being forced to put a poppy on their tops when britain is involved in illegal wars in iraq and afghanistan not to mention dragging their heels in Northern Ireland. I and many other Celtic do not want this symbol of british imperialism on our strips. As for booing british soldiers at tynecastle, you are having a laugh. I was at game and can tell you, there where no soldiers at the game, none what so ever so again get your facts right.

What a wanker you are
I wonder when "Popes11" last set foot in a chapel/church.
A while I would wager.
aka blue jambo said:
if its any consolation the Hearts fans kicked the sh1t out of them before and after the game .. there is history between the teams but Wednesday was the worst (best) I can remember!

So beating people up who have a different viewpoint to yours is a source of pride,is it?
I don't agree with the Celtic protest,just as I consider the poppy burning to be grossly disrespectful,but I honestly don't think that coming on here and boasting about football violence is justified,regardless of the provocation.
If you think it is,then I suggest you get a dictionary and look up the word 'democracy'.
Young_TomO said:
popes11 said:
who are you lot to decide wether or not Celtic should have a poppy on there shirt. Get your facts right, Celtic fans are not complaining about ww1 and ww2, it is the fact that evey team in britain is being forced to put a poppy on their tops when britain is involved in illegal wars in iraq and afghanistan not to mention dragging their heels in Northern Ireland. I and many other Celtic do not want this symbol of british imperialism on our strips. As for booing british soldiers at tynecastle, you are having a laugh. I was at game and can tell you, there where no soldiers at the game, none what so ever so again get your facts right.

What a wanker you are

Popes.....just a quick one...wont take long......

Pssssttt........wearing a poppy is a mark of respect to all the people that have lost their lives due to conflict. just or unjust, men, women and children, soldiers and civillians of all nationalities. It's about putting aside diffesnces for 2 mins once a year as a point of quiet reflection on how lucky we are it wasnt our generation and also how all wars are such a waste of life....That's why wear wear poppies

PS...Your welcome...always like to educate the ill informed. I often find the people with the strongest views are the ones armed with the least facts
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
aka blue jambo said:
if its any consolation the Hearts fans kicked the sh1t out of them before and after the game .. there is history between the teams but Wednesday was the worst (best) I can remember!

So beating people up who have a different viewpoint to yours is a source of pride,is it?
I don't agree with the Celtic protest,just as I consider the poppy burning to be grossly disrespectful,but I honestly don't think that coming on here and boasting about football violence is justified,regardless of the provocation.
If you think it is,then I suggest you get a dictionary and look up the word 'democracy'.

I am sorry if I have offended you in any way but after watching and listening to that low life for over 2 hours my trendy liberal sentiments had left me!
popes11 said:
who are you lot to decide wether or not Celtic should have a poppy on there shirt. Get your facts right, Celtic fans are not complaining about ww1 and ww2, it is the fact that evey team in britain is being forced to put a poppy on their tops when britain is involved in illegal wars in iraq and afghanistan not to mention dragging their heels in Northern Ireland. I and many other Celtic do not want this symbol of british imperialism on our strips. As for booing british soldiers at tynecastle, you are having a laugh. I was at game and can tell you, there where no soldiers at the game, none what so ever so again get your facts right.

And we don't want to see you or your IRA loving chums along with the other sectarian fruitcakes of a different persuasion on the other side of Glasgow anywhere near us or the EPL. Stick to your devisive archaic principles and watch the joke that is the SPL perpetuate the two team domination that's been there since Adam was a lad.
Good luck against Crofters United at the weekend.
popes11 said:
who are you lot to decide wether or not Celtic should have a poppy on there shirt. Get your facts right, Celtic fans are not complaining about ww1 and ww2, it is the fact that evey team in britain is being forced to put a poppy on their tops when britain is involved in illegal wars in iraq and afghanistan not to mention dragging their heels in Northern Ireland. I and many other Celtic do not want this symbol of british imperialism on our strips. As for booing british soldiers at tynecastle, you are having a laugh. I was at game and can tell you, there where no soldiers at the game, none what so ever so again get your facts right.
The poppy, and the wearing of it, is a symbol of respect for ALL soldiers, past and present, who fight and die for our country and our freedom. You may well disagree with Iraq and Afghanistan, but what you're missing here is:-

1 - By disrespecting the poppy you are disrespecting the millions who died in WWI and WWII. Whether you agree with this statement or not is irrelevant, as it's not a suggestion it's a fact.

2 - The soldiers actually fighting and dying in Iraq and Afghanistan haven't actually made the decisions that have resulted in them being there (apart from the initial decision to join the armed forces). The Government may well be wrong to send the troops there, but the troops themselves are still dying in our country's, and in freedom's, name whether you agree with the sentiments of the war or not.

And, ultimately, lets not try and muddy the waters here, this Celtic idiocy has very little to do with Iraq and Afghanistan. The important word on that banner is "Ireland", and that's what this is all about. It's yet more sectarian bullshit, Rangers are associated with being pro-UK/Protestant and Celtic Anti-UK/Catholic so this is another attempt to "side with" the Catholic contingent in Northern Ireland. When will the Glaswegian clubs realise that religion has nothing to do with football and no-one actually cares what they say or think about religious issues. You're not Irish, you're Scottish, just because the Irish and Scots wear kilts and class themselves as "celtic" doesn't mean there's any real connection, not in the 21st Century.

Oh, and before you try and tar me with the Rangers/Protestant brush, I couldn't care less about either Glaswegian club and I was brought up as a Catholic (although I've now realised that God is a fallacy, and Religion a joke).
Matty said:
popes11 said:
who are you lot to decide wether or not Celtic should have a poppy on there shirt. Get your facts right, Celtic fans are not complaining about ww1 and ww2, it is the fact that evey team in britain is being forced to put a poppy on their tops when britain is involved in illegal wars in iraq and afghanistan not to mention dragging their heels in Northern Ireland. I and many other Celtic do not want this symbol of british imperialism on our strips. As for booing british soldiers at tynecastle, you are having a laugh. I was at game and can tell you, there where no soldiers at the game, none what so ever so again get your facts right.
The poppy, and the wearing of it, is a symbol of respect for ALL soldiers, past and present, who fight and die for our country and our freedom. You may well disagree with Iraq and Afghanistan, but what you're missing here is:-

1 - By disrespecting the poppy you are disrespecting the millions who died in WWI and WWII. Whether you agree with this statement or not is irrelevant, as it's not a suggestion it's a fact.

2 - The soldiers actually fighting and dying in Iraq and Afghanistan haven't actually made the decisions that have resulted in them being there (apart from the initial decision to join the armed forces). The Government may well be wrong to send the troops there, but the troops themselves are still dying in our country's, and in freedom's, name whether you agree with the sentiments of the war or not.

And, ultimately, lets not try and muddy the waters here, this Celtic idiocy has very little to do with Iraq and Afghanistan. The important word on that banner is "Ireland", and that's what this is all about. It's yet more sectarian bullshit, Rangers are associated with being pro-UK/Protestant and Celtic Anti-UK/Catholic so this is another attempt to "side with" the Catholic contingent in Northern Ireland. When will the Glaswegian clubs realise that religion has nothing to do with football and no-one actually cares what they say or think about religious issues. You're not Irish, you're Scottish, just because the Irish and Scots wear kilts and class themselves as "celtic" doesn't mean there's any real connection, not in the 21st Century.

Oh, and before you try and tar me with the Rangers/Protestant brush, I couldn't care less about either Glaswegian club and I was brought up as a Catholic (although I've now realised that God is a fallacy, and Religion a joke).
great post matty summed it all up perfectly especially the last bit

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