Champions League Coefficients - are they fair?


Well-Known Member
7 Oct 2008
Just having a debate at work about the fairness of the Champions league coefficients for individual teams. Wanted peoples thoughts.

I am in the camp that believes pot one teams should be the Champions of their respective comuntries (certainly the top domestic leagues). This would avoid 3/4 top teams in one group. I accept it may even itself out across the years after consistently doing well in your domestic leagues and thus qualifying for the Champions League, but look at our group last year.

Those at work are claiming that the Champions League coefficients are entirley fair as they reflect your pedigree in that tournament across a number of years, and it is based upon how you have faired in that across the last 5 years.

I entirely disagree- the Champions League is a tournament based upon how you did in your domestic league the year before. It shouldn't take into account how you may have done 2 years ago in the competition- it's called the Champions League as it reflects the performance in your domestic league.

Why is it fair that United could finish 7th this year, maybe scrape in through the qualifiers next year if they finish 4th (for example) and jump straight back into pot one JUST BECAUSE they have a decent history in the competition, despite underperforming in their domestic league- which is what the Champions League is based upon.

Similarly- a team may enjoy a takeover, like us, PSG or Monaco etc, and win the league in the first season. They will only go into pot 4 and the competition risks losing a good team (if they are paired against other top teams, eg: Bayern (pot 1) City (pot 2) just because team X doesn't have a pedigree in the tournament.

You could have a shocking season and qualify for champions league, which proves that it is to do with your domestic performance, and nothing to do with your recent history in the Champions League, as these are saying at work. I believe the pot distribution should therefore behave in the same way.

Thoughts- as I am sick of arguing with these here, and wanted other thoughts. Am I being stupid?
I personally think the coefficients should be reset every year depending on what you won, how you did, what place you came in in the league etc. Changing it every year would be a huge shake up and make the UCL different every year.
No. They're not, no seeding is fair it protects the established elite.
I don't believe champions of domestic leagues should go automatically into pot one but do believe that your domestic performance should count toward your co-efficient points.

In international competition seedings are based on all matches played be they in qualifying or tournament, I don't see any reason why it should be different at club level.
Its a shite idea to protect the top clubs income.

"Who wants to watch a final between Plzen and Shakthar?" Its all about $£$£
ell said:
Its a shite idea to protect the top clubs income.

"Who wants to watch a final between Plzen and Shakthar?" Its all about $£$£
I would love to watch that final, both teams play great football and they'd leave nothing behind on the pitch.
I reckon it'll all be changed within a couple of years going off platini's comments not so long back where he was basically saying that it isn't right that champions of top leagues shouldbe in pots 2 and 3 (like we obviously were)
The Fat el Hombre said:
I reckon it'll all be changed within a couple of years going off platini's comments not so long back where he was basically saying that it isn't right that champions of top leagues shouldbe in pots 2 and 3 (like we obviously were)
So changed for more protection of the big TV draw clubs? fuck that, scrap the seeding altogether.
I'd like to see a competition with just the champions of each league involved.

Maybe a preliminary round for the champions of lesser leagues, then a straight draw from round one, with no seedings.

Could call it something like, The European Cup maybe?

Probably a shit idea.

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