Champions League Draw | QF - Bayern Munich | SF - Real Madrid

Frankfurt Ultras ran riot in Naples yesterday CL lashing with the Napoli Ultras, the Police, attacking the Police with flares, rockets, chairs, tables, bins, and anything they could get their hands on to throw at the Police. They set a police car on fire. Frankfurt fans were banned from the 2nd leg, but the Ultras turned up in there hundreds, mostly via trains. Loads of videos on the internet.

Not Ultras; hooligans.
I’d like to see the semifinals being City Napoli Bayern and Madrid (in any match-up). They’re the best four teams in the competition and they’ll be brilliant semis and a final from two of those four.
I agree. I think UEFA and most fans would like to see that too.

If those four teams are in the semi's there won't be an easy game for anyone.
Met a couple of Atalanta in the cells under the San Siro when we played them

They were ok. The police had just battered them mind.

One loved Mancini.

I won't be going any Italy match, 2 years left on my ban. All for shouting at the police to stop hitting our fans as we were herded in.
No tears shed for the Italian Police thats for sure. The Chairman of our branch got baton whipped at the Atalanta game for stopping to pick up his dropped match ticket - a 70 year old bloke getting battered by robocops, fucking sickening.

There's an Atalanta fan someone I know keeps in touch with (his nickname is Nunchuck Antonio - leave that to your imagination as to why) - he travelled with the Frankfurt lot from Milan, it seems they were going to scrap with the coppers, not Napoli. Here's hoping a few that were on duty the night you got nicked got a taste of their own medicine.
A few potential storylines for this draw.

Pep v Bayern
Sane v City
Cancelo v City
City v Chelsea (Sterling, repeat of 20/21 final)
Ancelotti v Chelsea/Milan/Napoli/Bayern (former clubs)
Milan derby
If we do get Napoli, what's it like for anyone whos been over there? I know some people say it's dangerous. I quite fancy it if we get them
If we do get Napoli, what's it like for anyone whos been over there? I know some people say it's dangerous. I quite fancy it if we get them
I usually say that in most places you don’t get trouble unless you are looking for it. But, there are a few places where unfortunately regardless of if ur looking for it it may find you. It can be a dangerous place. It can also be a great city and one that is completely obsessed by the football. I personally had no trouble when I went a few years back to watch city. But, a fair few did have trouble with both the Napoli fans and police. It’s a more risky one than most of the other draws we could get as an away fan, but in the majority most who go will be fine as long as you aren’t daft.
If we do get Napoli, what's it like for anyone whos been over there? I know some people say it's dangerous. I quite fancy it if we get them
Stay in a group and down near the harbour (all the official-ish buildings are down that way) and you'll be alright. Go off the beaten track or too near the coppers and it's dodgy as fuck.
Hopefully one of the Milan teams or Benfica. Got a feeling we may draw Madrid in the QF.

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