Champions League Final | Borussia Dortmund v Real Madrid - Sat 1st June

And your little tantrums and sad faces will get us what exactly? Like a little kid that drop a candy. Nothing at all! Just pointless moaning to excuse our inability to finish the job in the CL.
Shut up and be positive.

Anyway, I would rather win the Premier League now we have the European Cup on our list of honours. 38 games and you have to be good throughout, no luck of a draw at all.

I have no tantrums or sad faces, or candy to drop. What a pathetic post trying to sound all clever with metaphores, only to end up sounding like a dick.
They're a team that when you look through the lineup you see undoubtedly great players but a lot that don't strike fear into you. Then you watch them play and they seem to be second best in every game but find a way to win it. Their fans expect them to win, the players are never beaten and they take the one or two chances they get whilst the opposition choke and miss chance after chance.

In the past few years there's been one game where they have finally had their arses handed to them and that was our 4-0 demolition of them. But they came back and stood deeper and made it harder for us to find space behind. They took their chance and we battled and battled to get the equaliser and then missed our chance to win it. And when it came to penalties most of us felt beaten before we'd kicked a ball and even with our noses in front probably weren't too surprised we lost the shootout.

They're not a team I like. They play all the dirty tricks in the book to get over the line. When the game went to ET a few years back and we needed a goal they spent the majority of the remaining time pretending to be injured. There was very little football. But they won the game. When we conceded the first in that game, to give them a sniff there were no tricks from us. The ball went back to the centre spot and we conceded immediately. No one feeling their hamstring, no one going down injured, no one booting their players into touch.

We don't want to be a team of cheats but we need that extra bit of nous if we want to go and dominate in Europe, and I personally do. We've conquered England, broke all the records. We might still have 11 to go to have won the most league titles, but we're clearly the best side ever domestically. Now we need to go and win the CL back-to-back and add a load more European titles to our honours list. Only 14 behind Real... might take a few years to beat them. But it would be nice to get to 4 and be ahead of the rags in the not too distant future. Real will take some stopping mind.

Not that I disagree with the last two paragraphs but the first paragraph was exactly what I was trying to describe. It’s an incredible mentality/mindset that winners tend to have. Thanks for putting my thoughts across more eloquently.
Not that I disagree with the last two paragraphs but the first paragraph was exactly what I was trying to describe. It’s an incredible mentality/mindset that winners tend to have. Thanks for putting my thoughts across more eloquently.

It's exactly the mentality we have in the league. Everyone says we will win the league if we are in the running with 10 games to go. Everyone expects us to find a way to win, and we do.

But in Europe we don't manage to show that same strength of character and resolve and it's Real that do.

I think the team deserves another CL title under Pep and that for me will define our greatness much more than 5 in a row.

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