Champions League Final | Friday Night Party

yesterday steve sent me a msg about ''NEVIZADE shirts''.. perfect... now you have a street outside UK. unbelievable.... an entrepreneur in manchester should open a pub in manchester called ''nevizade''... :)) Nevizade is yours....
ps: ''Nev'' means something like ''unique- being the only of its kind'' / ''zade'' means ''a noble person''

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What happened on Friday night in Manchester? Just seen video of the filth battering City fans with sticks? Was it because we won and we’re not united?
I'd put it down to that pal, a few drunken blues on top of a response vehicle that's the only silliness I could see. Way ott by the police using batons, absolutely uncalled for, it wasn't a fucking riot. Anybody defending the police here is a fucking idiot

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