Champions League Final | Post-Match Thread

What a thoughtful post and congratulations to you and your team. I thought Chelsea were outstanding on the night. I didn't think my admiration for Kante could go up a notch but is has. What a bloody player he is.
I am swimming against the tide on here as I disagree with you and others that peps selection was the key reason we lost. I think we would have still lost if Fern had been chosen to start. I really don't believe his inclusion would have made us any better either in defence (the ball from Mount was perfect) or attack. I think a combination of nerves and the Chelsea performance did for us on the night. Anyway, we will never know and the majority believe he fucked up big style.

My opinion of the two instances you mentioned are that it was a penalty and Rudiger should have walked. That opinion is formed by watching the two incidents again and again so that tells you there could have been different interpretations. Yes the ref was for you but he wasn't the principle reason we lost.

Tuchel has impressed. He has you set up to negate our strengths and accentuate your own. Think Pep needs to rethink how to beat you. Maybe Kane or Haaland will be enough ;-)
I think Kante could mess with any midfield when he was in the mood he has been in the past few months, and I was having horror visions of Rodri up against him but Ferna has been gotten the better of as well.
I think Kante could mess with any midfield when he was in the mood he has been in the past few months, and I was having horror visions of Rodri up against him but Ferna has been gotten the better of as well.
That’s for sure mate. thought he played as well if not better than I have seen him play on Saturday. wish we had picked him up from Leicester.
I think Kante could mess with any midfield when he was in the mood he has been in the past few months, and I was having horror visions of Rodri up against him but Ferna has been gotten the better of as well.
The term 'world class' is often an overused phrase when rating players. KDB is certainly not just world class, but in the elite bracket of players who would walk into any team on the planet imho.

Kante is another elite player imho, and could possibly be in the conversation of GOAT CDMs. We are very lucky to have him, as you are Kev. Both are virtually irreplaceable.
Congratulations, the best team on the night won.
Thank-you for taking the time to post, it's a fair account.

Jack Nicklaus once said something like: "sometimes you can prepare, play your best, and it doesn't workout,
that's fine, but there is no reason not to be prepared."
Tuchel's preparation for this game started the minute he arrived and was well in place long before the final.
His team picked itself, played to it's strengths with drilled in familiarity and ground it out.
Imo, there is no way our side had time to prepare properly to such a big departure from the norm in that set-up.
We were all over the shop, a day late and a pound short.

My only issue is with item #3. "No team reaching their first CL final in recent years has won"
Although it is currently true, it shouldn't mean anything. Any coach or player giving that a second look or any credence whatsoever before the game is weak and not focused, full stop.
Any player or coach using that as a crutch or excuse after a loss is not a true Sportsman and should not be anywhere near teams of this level.
All those words are is information as entertainment for the uninitiated.
Again, Well Done,
Thanks for the congrats Mike. As has been touched upon, Chelsea fans know very well the pain of losing a CL Final, and to a domestic rival. At a time like this maybe we should all spare a thought for Atletico Madrid - three finals so far and no win. Jeez, that's got to hurt.

Item 3: I only included this point to illustrate that sometimes not everything is controllable. Who knows why no team this century has reached their first CL Final and won it? Maybe it's just the nerves and the pressure of being in the most prestigious final, barring the World Cup, that a player can be in. Or maybe it's the cosmos?!

Dortmund in 1997 were the last team to reach their first final and win. And they played the hapless Juventus, who've lost more CL finals than any other team - seven, I think. Maybe one karma outweighed another that night.

Regardless of what anyone believes lies behind what is quite a compelling stat, I only raised it as the fact it is - for whatever reason it's tough to win this first time out. I certainly agree that any player or coach who acknowledged it prior to the game might as well not turn up in the first place, and no sportsman would use it as an excuse for losing.

As someone who does, rightly or wrongly, believe in greater cosmic forces(!), I think that whatever is behind the stat, it undeniably does exist, and if there was nothing to it I don't personally think it would be nearly 25yrs gone by since a rookie finalist emerged triumphant. And yes, I believe in the force too :)

As a result of last weekend's result and the empathy from battle I will certainly support City (and hopefully with Pep at the helm still) when they next reach the final. Unless it's against us again of course!
Thanks for the congrats Mike. As has been touched upon, Chelsea fans know very well the pain of losing a CL Final, and to a domestic rival. At a time like this maybe we should all spare a thought for Atletico Madrid - three finals so far and no win. Jeez, that's got to hurt.

Item 3: I only included this point to illustrate that sometimes not everything is controllable. Who knows why no team this century has reached their first CL Final and won it? Maybe it's just the nerves and the pressure of being in the most prestigious final, barring the World Cup, that a player can be in. Or maybe it's the cosmos?!

Dortmund in 1997 were the last team to reach their first final and win. And they played the hapless Juventus, who've lost more CL finals than any other team - seven, I think. Maybe one karma outweighed another that night.

Regardless of what anyone believes lies behind what is quite a compelling stat, I only raised it as the fact it is - for whatever reason it's tough to win this first time out. I certainly agree that any player or coach who acknowledged it prior to the game might as well not turn up in the first place, and no sportsman would use it as an excuse for losing.

As someone who does, rightly or wrongly, believe in greater cosmic forces(!), I think that whatever is behind the stat, it undeniably does exist, and if there was nothing to it I don't personally think it would be nearly 25yrs gone by since a rookie finalist emerged triumphant. And yes, I believe in the force too :)

As a result of last weekend's result and the empathy from battle I will certainly support City (and hopefully with Pep at the helm still) when they next reach the final. Unless it's against us again of course!
Hi Ash, with all respect, thanks for your take. I hope using the word "issue" with that term didn't make it personal. Clearly not my intent and my only take was clearly about the term in and of itself. Which we do agree on.
These type of stats do my head in. The press like to glom on to these as it makes a good sound bite and builds hype. All these are is something that hasn't happened yet, and they can range from something that never will to
something to likely happen soon, however it suits the narrative of the day. Look at Phil's Major PGA win at 50. What is it now? No golfer 51 or over has won a major golf event? It never ends.
You can mine through mountains of statistics in any sport to come up with loads of haven't happened stats.
Savor your deserved win, from my perspective it must get sweeter every day. Cheers.
I've been thinking I'd quite like Chelsea in the knockout stages next season to get a bit of revenge on them it could give us a boost as well, seconds thoughts whilst writing this I've just thought becareful what you wish for.
Thanks for the congrats Mike. As has been touched upon, Chelsea fans know very well the pain of losing a CL Final, and to a domestic rival. At a time like this maybe we should all spare a thought for Atletico Madrid - three finals so far and no win. Jeez, that's got to hurt.

Item 3: I only included this point to illustrate that sometimes not everything is controllable. Who knows why no team this century has reached their first CL Final and won it? Maybe it's just the nerves and the pressure of being in the most prestigious final, barring the World Cup, that a player can be in. Or maybe it's the cosmos?!

Dortmund in 1997 were the last team to reach their first final and win. And they played the hapless Juventus, who've lost more CL finals than any other team - seven, I think. Maybe one karma outweighed another that night.

Regardless of what anyone believes lies behind what is quite a compelling stat, I only raised it as the fact it is - for whatever reason it's tough to win this first time out. I certainly agree that any player or coach who acknowledged it prior to the game might as well not turn up in the first place, and no sportsman would use it as an excuse for losing.

As someone who does, rightly or wrongly, believe in greater cosmic forces(!), I think that whatever is behind the stat, it undeniably does exist, and if there was nothing to it I don't personally think it would be nearly 25yrs gone by since a rookie finalist emerged triumphant. And yes, I believe in the force too :)

As a result of last weekend's result and the empathy from battle I will certainly support City (and hopefully with Pep at the helm still) when they next reach the final. Unless it's against us again of course!
Good post.

Was very low Sunday but the day at the water front with Chelsea and City fans made it feel a bit better.

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