Champions League Final | Ticket Criteria | SOLD OUT

i make you right, also what people are forgetting the champions league really is a global event, City will push tickets all around the globe if people think these are all going to be sold locally they are naive in the extreme, out of the 20K a good number will be taken by the club, all the business partners will want a slice of the cake, and like all champions league home games, we will see huge numbers of foreign city fans there
You've hit then nail on the head there. This is most definitely a global event and not necessarily geared towards fans from that country, let alone the locality. Wednesday night was evidence of this. Whilst queueing up for some chips (fries if you're being continental) I was speaking to Norwegians, Brazilians, Emiraties, Israelies and Yanks!!
Not on the scheme with only 16.5k points, not a chance i'll get one and not worth the arse going without

If anything like the 14K that’s been mentioned go to ordinary fans, you’ll piss it.
my lad is 15 and on the cup scheme,he cant go because of his mocks.
so thats 1 free from the 18,000 cup schemers !
Yep my lad has got an important english exam at 9:30 on the monday morning. We're gutted but I think he's accepted that unless the club come up with an in and out trip that's realistically priced he just cant go, whilst I travel half way round europe to make it affordable
Must admit seeing separate groups of Palastinians and Israelis celebrating post match was quite touching, no sign of any Russians, yet!
I’ve got sympathy but it’s not really an anomaly is it? Your daughter is an adult. And like any other two adults who want to buy together, you have to wait until the one with the fewer points qualify.

The 18-25 allocation is just an extra bonus for a few young adults to attend who wouldn’t ordinarily qualify.
Yes, an 18 year old girl on her own to a foreign country going to a major event like this, I’d be happy with that.
How dose the 18-25 thing work ?
My m8’s lad has just turned 18 and I only realised when I tried to get him a pull through for Wembley but couldn’t, He had to wait till his points .. do you have to register or anything ?
Say it was Wembley fa cup When could he have got a ticket
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Yep my lad has got an important english exam at 9:30 on the monday morning. We're gutted but I think he's accepted that unless the club come up with an in and out trip that's realistically priced he just cant go, whilst I travel half way round europe to make it affordable
Yeah my lad 16 too but been all over with me and will be gutted to miss it. 3 exams on the Monday so I also need a straight in and out option so he can come. What do you think price wise the club will come up with and when ?

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