Champions League Final | Ticket Criteria | SOLD OUT

Was referring to categories. But we have tickets left no? We do. So that doesn't answer why it's been dragged out.

Could've been at this point by Sunday, even Saturday.
To be fair, they may have wanted the scheme members to get all theirs over a period of a few days then shift the remaining tickets tomorrow to season ticket holders.
Disgraceful this is really, especially if you lads end up with the £400-600 tickets only.

This shit has been keeping me up at night for 2 weeks and I've already got my ticket, had an effect on my output at work the last few weeks. Sad **** I know but there's a big sunk cost there on flights and loads of 'what ifs' due to the ticket situation. Waiting on extra criteria being released today (we all know it won't be), so I can get one for my dad who's not on the Cup Scheme.
Feel for you mate, I didn't realise when I started this "journey " to Istanbul it would leave me with mental issues, sleep problems, IBS, erectile dysfunction & technophobia. Best of luck, just off for another litre of brandy!
With this many left, it's actually pretty disappointing they've dragged this out over 5 days. What was the point? Could've dropped the criteria much quicker and now some are left with booking flights late or not at all.

We could've been at season ticket holders yesterday.

No doubt the criteria won't be updated til tomorrow for a Thursday first buy - 1 week before most travel. Joke.

i get that, but the flights and accomodation are actually getting cheaper
Why has going to a football match got to be so complicated these days? Codes, schemes, plans, downloads, all of which appear to be designed to make it as stressful as possible. I guess for some it's all part of the fun but for many it's bloody awful.
And a passport to watch a match
An update for those with a code that didn’t work:

Just spoken with Miles in ticketing and he assures me that they have a team working on the issue with UEFA and that everyone that was affected WILL get a ticket.

Didn’t fill me with confidence however that he said he’s just added me to the list having initially raised this with them at 4:15 yesterday!

If you’ve had a code that doesn’t work give the club a ring and make sure you get added to that list!

In the interim I just have to sit and wait and trust the process.
Exactly the same with me.
I phoned yesterday at 4.45pm and my details were taken and meant to be passed on to uefa. Phoned again this morning and they added me to list I was already supposed to be on. What a shit show. CTID
as already said, no one knows how many left.

there could be 200 left in each category for all we know
That's irrelevant, we are 5 days in and we have tickets left. That's the point. If we sell out today, it's still been dragged out IMO.

What if this goes to the back end of the week? That's it's been a bit of sham to be honest.
I’ve just got mine! Absolutely buzzing! Catergory 3 180 euros! So when does the actual ticket get sent out then?
Why has going to a football match got to be so complicated these days? Codes, schemes, plans, downloads, all of which appear to be designed to make it as stressful as possible. I guess for some it's all part of the fun but for many it's bloody awful.
Dippers fault

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