Champions League Final | Tickets - City Official Package + UEFA Tickets | 2022 Final (pg 1033)

Cheapest direct on skyscanner is 400 plus. Skyscanner is useless anyway it shows a price but the when you click through to the actual airlines website it's invariably two or three times the price
Yep. Skyscanner is good for establishing routes, etc, but you need to delve deeper to get the actual real time prices.
So how many PCR tests are required in total? Is it 3 ... 1 before travelling out
1 before return flight
1 within 2 days of returning to UK
Been trying to check But still not sure
Surely if confirmation it’s Porto airlines will put more flights on due to demand ? Or does it not work like that, I’m just being hopeful haha
Surely if confirmation it’s Porto airlines will put more flights on due to demand ? Or does it not work like that, I’m just being hopeful haha

That will happen as there are plenty of spare planes and slots available.
No idea on pricing, mind,
So how many PCR tests are required in total? Is it 3 ... 1 before travelling out
1 before return flight
1 within 2 days of returning to UK
Been trying to check But still not sure
Still waiting for confirmation on that (Outbound). That depends on Portugal and their rules which are due to be updated this week to allow tourists. What is known is you need one before leaving Portugal (but this can be LFT) and one PCR after arriving home which must be prebooked you need to show on arrival.

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