Champions League Final | Tickets - City Official Package + UEFA Tickets | 2022 Final (pg 1033)

If you've got enough points to get a ticket for a FA cup away game, you'll have zero problems getting one for this. 6k is double the normal away allocation, it's going to cost an absolute fortune and be a pain in the arse, a huge percentage of the usual crowd won't be able to attend this. If you've got thr ability to get there, and have a season ticket there's a high chance you'll get ticket.
Not confirmed as it's second/third hand but hearing tickets will be sold in accordance with loyalty points with priority for cup scheme (as many of us expected). City confident they should sell out but think Chelsea will struggle to sell all theirs. Not sure how they would know on the latter but I guess it's not quite the novelty for Chelsea fans as it is for us. Also heard we might be asking for more tickets.
If you've got enough points to get a ticket for a FA cup away game, you'll have zero problems getting one for this. 6k is double the normal away allocation, it's going to cost an absolute fortune and be a pain in the arse, a huge percentage of the usual crowd won't be able to attend this. If you've got thr ability to get there, and have a season ticket there's a high chance you'll get ticket.
If the club's travel package is decent then I'll be going... I just can't miss our first final

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