I can see both sides to this, but just to respond to one particular load of bollocks.
There are plenty of 22000+ points holders who often prefer to do the official day trips as they can’t necessarily get the time off work.
I’ve always mixed and matched from Timisoara to Copenhagen and Kiev, but on this occasion, having done the previous official day trip to the Europa League game, and also stayed in Porto for a whole week during Euro 2004, I’m not convinced that a 3 night stay would provide that much value, (and that’s before all the COVID bollocks, and the fact that Porto isn’t a 24hr location and most places will shut at 11pm on the night of the Final)
Good luck to everyone on Spike’s trip and all those who’ve gambled on cheap flights, and just assumed that everything would work out okay.
I genuinely hope that everyone has a great time, but on this occasion, (and not dissimilar to the game at Celtic when the Official Trip didn’t have to collect their tickets) those who waited patiently might be rewarded.
Swings and roundabouts, but the vast majority on the day trips have also been going for years.