Champions League Final | Tickets - City Official Package + UEFA Tickets | 2022 Final (pg 1033)

And that's the way it should be. UEFA Cup scheme members and then based on loyalty points. The only fair way and I say that as someone who will miss out based on this criteria even though I've been away with City in Europe before.

yep, cant disagree and i've booked travel, wasnt on the cup scheme and only have 10k points!
the conversation is futile, Tonster has it 100% correct, the tickets will be sold like always on loyalty points with the caveat of being on the champions league scheme, last season. What trips have been booked won't have any bearing whatsoever
I hope that's the case and the club don't make it a condition of sale that club transport is used.
I still don’t think that’s right or will work. I think a bit like Wembley they will let people purchase based on points /cup scheme and assign a method of travel. When all the independent allocations (similar to cars for Wembley) are gone only club travel will be left.
Yes, that is how I see it too. The proportion for independent travellers will probably be similar to those available to those who wanted to drive to the League Cup final.

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