Champions League Final | Tickets - City Official Package + UEFA Tickets | 2022 Final (pg 1033)

some folk are very touchy when their comments are discussed.

In future we’d best just let you state whatever you like & nod in agreement. That should keep you happy ( if you are happy)
So I post in a City forum, full of City fans discussing City. On a City thread only to be told by a City fan that the post was too City specific and that I should be inclusive of all clubs acting in the same manner as City by said City fan. Who then accuses me of being touchy when I point out that as a City fan, on a City forum, that I'm not interested in how any other clubs deal with, or not, similar issues. YCNMIU, have a happy weekend. Up the blues
I totally agree, I've been going for 40 years, in the same boat and too late for me as well. I've been to over 800 games in my time, would be 900- 1,000 if it wasn't for this scheme. Time to change it for younger fans.
Yep, I went to Vienna in 1970 and was hoping to go to Porto but it isn't to be. Been going since 1965 so I've seen a lot over the years and as you say bizarre that I don't have anywhere near enough points. All who are going have a great trip, I remember I did in '70 as a 16 year old on my first ever trip abroad.
The club do something no other Club in the world has ever done and there's still whinging. I've missed out due to points not carried over when we moved to the Etihad, I hardly go to away games these days but accept just because I followed City all over the place 20 years ago it doesn't entitle me to be in front of other fans who have been accruing points in the past 20 years. Pleased some have benefited from our Clubs generosity and I will be watching on TV supporting not just my team but my club as well, give it a fucking rest.
My grumble is with UEFA considering the ESL was “taking the game away from the people” a few week ago and that they were the good guys.
for once why not put the fans first and reduce their own allocation for the final in what has been a horrible 12 months
So I post in a City forum, full of City fans discussing City. On a City thread only to be told by a City fan that the post was too City specific and that I should be inclusive of all clubs acting in the same manner as City by said City fan. Who then accuses me of being touchy when I point out that as a City fan, on a City forum, that I'm not interested in how any other clubs deal with, or not, similar issues. YCNMIU, have a happy weekend. Up the blues
I'm afraid this ships sailed. The error was in starting from scratch when we moved. My 'loyalty' over 30 odd years was erased in favour of one were it could be bought for £50. At that point we should have said it wasn't on, not just refused to join on principal as I did.
We can't now erase those accumulated/bought points, that wouldn't be fair either, but allowing it to continue is unfair.
I'll never catch up at 65 but it will give young blues a chance. Time for change but I doubt it will.

I always thought that was a disgrace, and we didn't kick off in the way we should've at the time. Way too many people didn't want to rock the boat though and so it went unchallenged. That was a forced £50 price increase by stealth, that the club knew the vast majority of people would have to take up, with the illusion of choice.

The idea that you can pay an extra £50 and your attendance be worth double the "loyalty" that someone who can't is a disgrace. But the majority of us stumped it up because we felt we had to, which was its whole purpose. Who ever cooked up that particular idea is a piece of work.

I feel for those who couldn't or opted not to out of principle, it simply isn't a fair way to operate from the club and undermined the loyalty of thousands of blues. We should've never accepted it.

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