Champions League Final | Tickets - City Official Package + UEFA Tickets | 2022 Final (pg 1033)

I always thought that was a disgrace, and we didn't kick off in the way we should've at the time. Way too many people didn't want to rock the boat though and so it went unchallenged. That was a forced £50 price increase by stealth, that the club knew the vast majority of people would have to take up, with the illusion of choice.

The idea that you can pay an extra £50 and your attendance be worth double the "loyalty" that someone who can't is a disgrace. But the majority of us stumped it up because we felt we had to, which was its whole purpose. Who ever cooked up that particular idea is a piece of work.

I feel for those who couldn't or opted not to out of principle, it simply isn't a fair way to operate from the club and undermined the loyalty of thousands of blues. We should've never accepted it.
Great post mate I didn't agree with it but wanted to still be able to attend as many away games as possible so it was a fait accompli just didn't have the will power to stick with my principles.
When this becomes an issue for all games rather than just the big games/finals then I agree. Until then people have the opportunity to build their points up in the same way other people have.
It's been an issue since they introduced it in around 1998, not just for big games but for away games. Back then for the first year or two, it was season ticket holders only.

The problem is those with the most points get first dibs, and until last season (when they stopped awarding points for away games) were accruing points faster than those with less. They did it again with the Everton match, if you had 22,000+ points you were guaranteed a ticket, and another 10/20 points to keep them ahead of the pack.

So the only way to move up the pecking order is when people die or stop going for various reasons, but you'll never overtake anyone by simply building up your points. If I was a new fan today, I'd have to go to every home match for 22 years to get 22,000 points, and I'd still have no chance of getting a ticket.
I'm just looking at booking mine for next week, but I'm not sure where the perceived wisdom that you must book it after 13:00hrs on Thursday, comes from. As we're landing back in Manchester at 5 o'clock in the morning on the Sunday, it should be safe to book a PCR test for Thursday morning and still be able to comply with the 72 hour diktat, shouldn't it?
Anywhere City's game will be on around the Exeter area tomorrow ?
I'm just looking at booking mine for next week, but I'm not sure where the perceived wisdom that you must book it after 13:00hrs on Thursday, comes from. As we're landing back in Manchester at 5 o'clock in the morning on the Sunday, it should be safe to book a PCR test for Thursday morning and still be able to comply with the 72 hour diktat, shouldn't it?
Yep - so anytime Thursday will be fine as long as its 72 hrs from when you depart Portugal.
You appear to be very sanguine about your situation?
I've a choice. I can get angry, worked up, frustrated, etc or I can try and rationalise it by saying its unprecedented times with reduced allocations (and the Sheik paying for flights which encouraged many to go who otherwise wouldn't have gone - but fair do's to them, they are still Blues like me afterall). I'm trying to rationalise it all, as we all have to do with every aspect of our lives. I'll watch in a bar in Porto instead. That's life I suppose.
My grumble is with UEFA considering the ESL was “taking the game away from the people” a few week ago and that they were the good guys.
for once why not put the fans first and reduce their own allocation for the final in what has been a horrible 12 months
I completely agree with you there, I think we all know what a toxic organisation UEFA is, it's a shame, I would have loved to have gone even under my own steam but I will just miss out, about 10,100 points.
Congratulations to everyone who managed to get their tickets. Fingers crossed for the Uefa ballot for the rest of us.

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