Thankfully everybody at the club feels the same way as us. I think it would be the highest point of my entire life, not just my footballing life. Can you inagine doing it with the eyes of the world on us? Imagine the players’ tears, Sergio lifting the trophy, images round the world coming through of our club legends celebrating. I’d be thinking of every single prick in the media or fans of other clubs who’ve been saying “you’re not a great team until blah blah blah”. Imagine Sergio lifting the big one to secure a quadruple which eclipses anything ever done by Liverpool, United or anyone else. Imagine that moment, and thinking back to all those relegations, and dashed hopes; and standing on the terraces at Macclesfield in the rain whilst Man United won everything.
If the prospect of that glory in the eyes of the world doesn’t fill you with the ultimate excitement I feel sorry for you.