Champions League home ticket package

Marvin said:
ManuelPellegrini said:
Would have thought those who have committed to the cup scheme would get a slightly cheaper ticket for the commitment.
Eg. £30 for cup scheme members
£33 for people who take the deal
£40 for others.

Or something like that anyway.
I'd have thought so too, but doesn't look like it - news announcement goes on to say.....

Please note: All Platinum/Gold Seasoncard holders registered on the 2013/14 UEFA Competition Cup Scheme will have payment taken from their nominated debit/credit card as follows;

Manchester City v Bayern Munich – By 9am Tuesday 10th September 2013.
Manchester City v CSKA Moscow – Week commencing 8th October 2013.
Manchester City v FC Viktoria Plzen – Week commencing 28th October 2013.

Supporters will be charged the equivalent bundle price per game for their ticket.

But yet I have been charged £43. I have emailed the club and will see what goes on...
joenorth said:
Now for my second post, fans moan about the atmosphere at the home games, if they stopped moaning about how much it cost them to sit there and get behind the team it would be better, ive also complained to the club about us being too successful.
I think you`re right, we need to pull out of this Champions league it`s far too expensive, especially with Christmas round the corner.
Excellent first 2 posts btw, welcome to Bluemoon.
squirtyflower said:
nice neil said:
squirtyflower said:
don't be so stupid
Please point out which bit or bits of the above is stupid. Or what constitutes being stupid about adding such comments. Whilst you're at it, please explain how someone who goes by the name of "squirty flower", has the brass neck to call anyone stupid. There really are some self-righteous tw@ts on this forum. Suffice to say, you'd make a good red.
you're post is stupid

and i'd be a little careful with the personal abuse
furthermore to suggest i'm a red makes you beyond stupid
think you being a mod should not be calling somebody stupid I understand his point it isn't made clear if members are getting the same deal
The charges after all 3 games will be £99 / £114. I've been charged £43 too, but by the end of the Group Stage I know it will all add up to £99 because that's what's on the web-site
nice neil said:
squirtyflower said:
nice neil said:
Please point out which bit or bits of the above is stupid. Or what constitutes being stupid about adding such comments. Whilst you're at it, please explain how someone who goes by the name of "squirty flower", has the brass neck to call anyone stupid. There really are some self-righteous tw@ts on this forum. Suffice to say, you'd make a good red.
you're post is stupid

and i'd be a little careful with the personal abuse
furthermore to suggest i'm a red makes you beyond stupid
In whose opinion is my post stupid ? Yours, I presume. Well, that's settled then. You must be right ! Personal abuse ? Who's decision was it to call me "stupid" ? If someone decides it's within their right to call me stupid, I'll be very careful with the personal abuse, don't you worry. Finally, I did not say or suggest that you were a red, I said you'd make a good one. The main clue being the words "you'd make a good red". Now, if you'd like to pick a "keyboard warrior" type fight with me, you need to work on your punctuation, or I won't even take you seriously, squirts. You don't mind if I call you "squirts", do you ?
i really couldn't care less whatever a windbag like you would care to call me as, surprisingly, squrtyflower (or any derivative) is not my real name
you're right to pick up on my grammar though, it's something we should always be mindful of

your post was stupid as your consideration that City would treat its loyal supporters worse than a JCL was laughable

as to suggesting I'd make a good red, it's clearly semantics that you are using now, you knew what you meant and you typed what you meant which, as i previously posted, makes you beyond stupid

furthermore old boy, i have no inclination to get involved in a 'fight' over the internet with a pompous part-time windbag who's only contribution today was to slag City off for something they are not doing

enjoy your afternoon and try to refrain from too much negativity or stupidity
frothy said:
squirtyflower said:
nice neil said:
Please point out which bit or bits of the above is stupid. Or what constitutes being stupid about adding such comments. Whilst you're at it, please explain how someone who goes by the name of "squirty flower", has the brass neck to call anyone stupid. There really are some self-righteous tw@ts on this forum. Suffice to say, you'd make a good red.
you're post is stupid

and i'd be a little careful with the personal abuse
furthermore to suggest i'm a red makes you beyond stupid
think you being a mod should not be calling somebody stupid I understand his point it isn't made clear if members are getting the same deal
Thanks for the support. It could be argued that anyone who doesn't know the difference between "youre" and "your", should really think about it before they call anyone stupid, let alone pick a fight with a clever dicky like me. ;-)
squirtyflower said:
nice neil said:
squirtyflower said:
you're post is stupid

and i'd be a little careful with the personal abuse
furthermore to suggest i'm a red makes you beyond stupid
In whose opinion is my post stupid ? Yours, I presume. Well, that's settled then. You must be right ! Personal abuse ? Who's decision was it to call me "stupid" ? If someone decides it's within their right to call me stupid, I'll be very careful with the personal abuse, don't you worry. Finally, I did not say or suggest that you were a red, I said you'd make a good one. The main clue being the words "you'd make a good red". Now, if you'd like to pick a "keyboard warrior" type fight with me, you need to work on your punctuation, or I won't even take you seriously, squirts. You don't mind if I call you "squirts", do you ?
i really couldn't care less whatever a windbag like you would care to call me as, surprisingly, squrtyflower (or any derivative) is not my real name
you're right to pick up on my grammar though, it's something we should always be mindful of

your post was stupid as your consideration that City would treat its loyal supporters worse than a JCL was laughable

as to suggesting I'd make a good red, it's clearly semantics that you are using now, you knew what you meant and you typed what you meant which, as i previously posted, makes you beyond stupid

furthermore old boy, i have no inclination to get involved in a 'fight' over the internet with a pompous part-time windbag who's only contribution today was to slag City off for something they are not doing

enjoy your afternoon and try to refrain from too much negativity or stupidity
Yet again, you judge me purely on an opinion that you are right and I'm wrong. Where did I slag City off ? If I spent my whole life in front of my computer, and sent in 33,000 posts, would that make me a full time wind bag ? That's something I can aspire to, anyway. The first negative slant to this conversation, as far as I'm concerned, was you deciding it was fair and proper to call someone you don't know, or never will know, stupid. As someone who is far from stupid, being called stupid really tends to get me annoyed. Particularly if the person calling me stupid doesn't know the first thing about me.
akcity said:
Marvin said:
ManuelPellegrini said:
Would have thought those who have committed to the cup scheme would get a slightly cheaper ticket for the commitment.
Eg. £30 for cup scheme members
£33 for people who take the deal
£40 for others.

Or something like that anyway.
I'd have thought so too, but doesn't look like it - news announcement goes on to say.....

Please note: All Platinum/Gold Seasoncard holders registered on the 2013/14 UEFA Competition Cup Scheme will have payment taken from their nominated debit/credit card as follows;

Manchester City v Bayern Munich – By 9am Tuesday 10th September 2013.
Manchester City v CSKA Moscow – Week commencing 8th October 2013.
Manchester City v FC Viktoria Plzen – Week commencing 28th October 2013.

Supporters will be charged the equivalent bundle price per game for their ticket.

But yet I have been charged £43. I have emailed the club and will see what goes on...

I'll be honest - when I first joined the cup scheme and read that page on the website, I didn't expect three equal £33 debits from my account - unless each game was priced at £33 for the bundle. I expected three different amounts totalling £99, with Munich being highest and Plzen being lowest.

I read it as equivalent to the fixture being played (eg. if the bundle price for Munich is £43, Moscow £33 and Plzen £23, then they'd take payments of £43, £33 and £23), rather than equivalent to each other (eg. three equal payments).

I think those on the cup scheme being charged on the bundle price means that to buy the bundle will be cheaper than buying tickets for each game individually - I think someone mentioned £5 per game, but obviously that's unconfirmed.

I don't really see why there's such a big fuss about it, to be honest - though I guess City haven't exactly helped matters by not clarifying.
nice neil said:
squirtyflower said:
nice neil said:
In whose opinion is my post stupid ? Yours, I presume. Well, that's settled then. You must be right ! Personal abuse ? Who's decision was it to call me "stupid" ? If someone decides it's within their right to call me stupid, I'll be very careful with the personal abuse, don't you worry. Finally, I did not say or suggest that you were a red, I said you'd make a good one. The main clue being the words "you'd make a good red". Now, if you'd like to pick a "keyboard warrior" type fight with me, you need to work on your punctuation, or I won't even take you seriously, squirts. You don't mind if I call you "squirts", do you ?
i really couldn't care less whatever a windbag like you would care to call me as, surprisingly, squrtyflower (or any derivative) is not my real name
you're right to pick up on my grammar though, it's something we should always be mindful of

your post was stupid as your consideration that City would treat its loyal supporters worse than a JCL was laughable

as to suggesting I'd make a good red, it's clearly semantics that you are using now, you knew what you meant and you typed what you meant which, as i previously posted, makes you beyond stupid

furthermore old boy, i have no inclination to get involved in a 'fight' over the internet with a pompous part-time windbag who's only contribution today was to slag City off for something they are not doing

enjoy your afternoon and try to refrain from too much negativity or stupidity
Yet again, you judge me purely on an opinion that you are right and I'm wrong. Where did I slag City off ? If I spent my whole life in front of my computer, and sent in 33,000 posts, would that make me a full time wind bag ? That's something I can aspire to, anyway. The first negative slant to this conversation, as far as I'm concerned, was you deciding it was fair and proper to call someone you don't know, or never will know, stupid. As someone who is far from stupid, being called stupid really tends to get me annoyed. Particularly if the person calling me stupid doesn't know the first thing about me.

Tbf, looking from the outside you are both being stupid! It's a fucking fan forum, can you both wipe your fanny's and shake hands?

On topic, i've had 43 quid taken too, just wish the club would be a bit more transparent with how much and when they are taking as some of us like to budget.

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