YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS FUCK YES STILL SHAKING CRYING CANT FUCKING BELIEVE IT When Aguero scored my heart almost exploded out seriously went mental unbelivable watching the celebrations was AMAZING CAN'T BELIEVE IT Yh having went to the gillingham game it was reminiscent of that YH can't wait for the next episode of Inside city WELL WE ARE CHAM61ONS AKA CHAMP10NS

but this moment though dont think you will ever see a better finish to a match or season <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> yh even tyler who doesn't like us much had to scream his head off a baby, like a fooking baby!

We are blessed to support the greatest team on earth!

Legends were made today and i thank them all.
This is how it feels to be city, this is how it feels to be small, this is how it feels to win the prem with the last kick of the ball, kick of the ball, kick of the ball, kick of the ball. 
Could someone Pm me or something if they have a link to todays game & Todays soccer saturday? As Merson was crying! and the reactions were unbelievable!
Still cant get over today.

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