Incredible.....cried like a fucking baby. Too fucked and exhausted for MotD....I love this football club.
my vids from today after the whistle

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The biggest rollercoaster ride ever. I dont know how i survived it. The highs then be lows and lows and feeling of typical City. Then the Dzeko goal the rollercoaster speeds up to the biggest high of the lot and the Kun goal. I went mental in the pub up on the table dancing like a mad man. Loads of rags around me crying into there beers as i am jumping up and down like a loon. Then the bouncers grabed me off the table and brought me to a room at the back and told me to calm down or we will fuck you out the door. In there for 5 minutes with them until it went all clam and all the rags left the pub. Oh happy days.
I never thought I would see the day we would be Champions I will be the happiest man in the world now after seeing that today. If we dont win another thing I will be happy for the rest of my life seeing City winning the title.
It'll never ever get better than this. Winning the Champions League wouldn't even feel this good, this is a day to be savored forever, I suspect it'll be the peak of City fandom for many of us!
Voice completely gone. Tears shed. Massive, massive day. So much emotion. Amazing experience to be in 327 and be resurrected from the dead like that. Fucking love City. No words can sum up those last minutes of the game at the Etihad today. If I had to try, I'd just say, Shiiiiiiitttttttttt.............. YESSSSSSSSSSSSS! We're the Champions. Get the fuck in !

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