Ched Evans - serious injury

hilts said:
KnaresboroughBlue said:
hilts said:
You have to accept the juries decision otherwise why have them? he is a rapist in the eye of the law and should be treated as such

In law he is a rapist that has served his time and been released and as such he should have the option of resuming his life and career.

He should indeed, i would guess remorse wouldn't be top of his list

He has steadfastly maintained his innocence. Do you really believe there is no innocent people in jail ?
TGR said:
hilts said:
KnaresboroughBlue said:
In law he is a rapist that has served his time and been released and as such he should have the option of resuming his life and career.

He should indeed, i would guess remorse wouldn't be top of his list

He has steadfastly maintained his innocence. Do you really believe there is no innocent people in jail ?

Guilty people never claim to be innocent, if he was steadfast though then he must be telling the truth

Pleading innocence can be taken with a pinch of salt, but if someone is steadfast we are in another ballpark here
hilts said:
TGR said:
hilts said:
He should indeed, i would guess remorse wouldn't be top of his list

He has steadfastly maintained his innocence. Do you really believe there is no innocent people in jail ?

Guilty people never claim to be innocent, if he was steadfast though then he must be telling the truth

Pleading innocence can be taken with a pinch of salt, but if someone is steadfast we are in another ballpark here

I think you should read (and digest) the Oxford Dictionary definition of 'steadfast'.
And... Stop being a dickhead all of your life. Take at least one day off...
TGR said:
hilts said:
TGR said:
He has steadfastly maintained his innocence. Do you really believe there is no innocent people in jail ?

Guilty people never claim to be innocent, if he was steadfast though then he must be telling the truth

Pleading innocence can be taken with a pinch of salt, but if someone is steadfast we are in another ballpark here

I think you should read (and digest) the Oxford Dictionary definition of 'steadfast'.
And... Stop being a dickhead all of your life. Take at least one day off...

Guys chill out it's nearly weekend agree to disagree or foe each other !!
TGR said:
hilts said:
TGR said:
He has steadfastly maintained his innocence. Do you really believe there is no innocent people in jail ?

Guilty people never claim to be innocent, if he was steadfast though then he must be telling the truth

Pleading innocence can be taken with a pinch of salt, but if someone is steadfast we are in another ballpark here

I think you should read (and digest) the Oxford Dictionary definition of 'steadfast'.
And... Stop being a dickhead all of your life. Take at least one day off...

You like giving orders are you a liitle on the short side, you seem to have a napolean complex, i have just read the meaning of the word steadfast and it seems to tally quite well with my point, you are on quite a run tonight

I will take Monday off if that's okay with you
We allow killers to play football after serving their time. Players who effectively murdered people by driving while drunk.
BlueBearBoots said:
ste1969 said:
BlueBearBoots said:
If I got you incredibly drunk and somehow managed to make you have sex with me and you woke up in the morning thinking - she took advantage of me I was pissed I didn't really want to shag her would you phone the police and report me?

I'd text back did you gargle or swallow

See it's funny in the reverse - the law is still patronising to women and we still exploit it - well some do !

I've already stated that if she was indeed unconscious then I cannot condone or excuse what Evans did but you do raise an interesting point that if the roles were reversed and a comatose man was being ridden by an opportunistic girl then I think the reactions would be completely different.

Speaking of which, I've just remembered an incident from several years ago that involved some people we knew from down the pub. All men on the piss who ended up crashing out round some bloke's flat. One of them - straight bloke - woke up to find he was being sucked off by another man. I don't think he was best pleased!
bobmcfc said:
Davs 19 said:
bobmcfc said:
That website is created and maintained by cheds family and girlfriend. Of course he will maintain his innocence because his future and career depend upon him convincing people that he was wronged and he couldn't possibly be that kind of person. The Judge and jury heard the case and decided that the evidence supported a guilty verdict.

Posted something similar not too long back Bob. You're wasting your time as some on here are in complete denial.

I am wasting my time indeed. as far as him working and earning thousands of pounds a week, spending it on nights out, shagging anything that glances sideways at him whilst acting like a big time Charlie knobhead ! Yeah it will happen because the footballing industry tends to put its morals to one side when it comes to players who are talented.

So what would you have him do then Bob?

In your opinion how shall Evans earn a wage from now on?
mcmanus said:
bobmcfc said:
Davs 19 said:
Posted something similar not too long back Bob. You're wasting your time as some on here are in complete denial.

I am wasting my time indeed. as far as him working and earning thousands of pounds a week, spending it on nights out, shagging anything that glances sideways at him whilst acting like a big time Charlie knobhead ! Yeah it will happen because the footballing industry tends to put its morals to one side when it comes to players who are talented.

So what would you have him do then Bob?

In your opinion how shall Evans earn a wage from now on?

It not up to me. What concerns me more is how people trivialise this kind of rape like is not a crime or even a big deal. It's a shame, it really is

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