Chelsea (H) | Post-Match Thread

I always hope before every match for the lads to win it themselves. The officials will never do them any favours. Hardly get own goals as the lads don’t typically shoot from outside the box or unless it’s clear or worked to a clear chance to be hit.

With that said, can’t even rage or moan. When a game ends the way it did, just makes you feel a tad empty. Enjoy what’s left of the weekend blues. We go again until next time.
It was everything the sane amongst us feared. You make 9 changes you play like strangers. You believe in VAR and then it shits the bed in crunch time.

That was fucking horrible, it might not matter come the ChAmPIoNs LeAgUe final but it didn't help.
I am actually at ease.. They are mega defensive. I think their recent record against (albeit almost our second string) will cause them to be slightly more brave. Think it will help us in the long run.
Not so long ago a pundit (forget which..Shearer?) said City's 2nd Xl could challenge for the Top 4... I think today's performance has put that idea to bed..
FFS! A lesson in how to piss off City fans by making a crap team selection, then Kun taking the piss, then switching off. Now Chelsea have got the advantage for the Champions League final, mind games etc, and we have to wait another week and hope United lose one of the next three. Thanks! Really pissed off!

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