Chelsea (N) | FA Cup SF | Post-Match Thread

I thought yesterday he was showing signs of losing a bit of pace.
I noticed this too, as both Jackson & Madueke gave Kyle a run for his money.

To be fair though, Walker's got a few more years & miles on the clock than either, & he completed 120 minutes 3 days earlier, so that's probably a bigger contributing factor in regards to his pace.
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I noticed this too, as both Jackson & Madueke gave Kyle a run for his money.

To be fair though a few years & miles on the clock than either, & he completed 120 minutes 3 days earlier, so that's probably a bigger contributing factor in regards to his pace.
Fair enough. Worth noting that Linford Christie is the oldest ever winner of the 100m Olympic gold at 32.
After seeing the goal a few times today Bernardo looked very emotional after his initial outburst of celebration
Really pleased it was him who scored after Wednesday
True City legend
It's such a shame that modern day football fans base players football performances on a week to week basis.

If you're a City fan and don't love Bernardo Silva there's something not right...Some of the things said about his penalty on here were incredibly pathetic but wouldn't waste my time replying to any of the idiot posts.

I genuinely couldn't give a fuck that he missed the penalty, He had the balls to take a penalty which is more important. He decided to go down the middle and the keeper caught him out, That's football.

He did look emotional yesterday you could see him pointing at the crest and towards the crowd yesterday after the game. Bernardo owes us nothing, He gives absolutely everything week in week out.

The winning goalscorer yesterday couldn't have went to a nicer bloke.
Fair enough. Worth noting that Linford Christie is the oldest ever winner of the 100m Olympic gold at 32.
It's a different discipline. You put your foot on the gas for 10 seconds & then you're done. Walker has to complete tens of shuttle runs every game. Alongside twisting, turning & stopping, it's far more difficult than running in a straight line.
Any other team yesterday and they get beat. The wheels would already have been off at HT. Pep did say in his post match that he thought about more changes but referenced last years game against the dips as to why he played alot who played Wednesday.

Couldn’t be happier with this group. No one is above criticism but I just can’t find fault. That goes for Haaland also. Players have put in some shift and at some point we will not be able to keep doing it.

chapó -:)
After the penalty given in the final vs the rags last season, I was convinced that they would have given the one yesterday.

It only emphasises further still what an absolute bent decision that was in the final and how, if you are either the rags or liverpool, those are given for you.

That " penalty " was so fucking corrupt , with the sole intent of getting the useless set of cunts into the game having been totally outplayed in the half.

As bent a decision as you could possibly see and the type of decision given to the rags and dippers in their hour of need.
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